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(Beuʹlah) [Owned as a Wife].

A Hebrew word (Beʽu·lahʹ) transliterated as a name at Isaiah 62:4 in some translations (AS; KJ; Ro), whereas in others it is rendered “Married” (AT; RS), “Espoused” (Le), “my wedded wife” (Mo), and “Owned as a Wife” (NW).

The spiritual woman Zion was to be in a desolate state following the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians and the complete desolation of Judah. However, the restoration prophecy given by Jehovah through Isaiah, one of great import to Jewish exiles in ancient Babylon and to members of spiritual Israel, assured restoration and repopulation of the land, a changed condition. Once-desolate Zion would no longer be “a woman left entirely,” and her land would no longer be desolate, it being promised: “But you yourself will be called My Delight Is in Her [Heb., Cheph·tsi-vahʹ], and your land Owned as a Wife [Heb., Beʽu·lahʹ]. For Jehovah will have taken delight in you, and your own land will be owned as a wife.” Zion’s returning “sons,” released from Babylonian exile, would settle in her once again, also ‘taking ownership of her as a wife.’ The restoration of Zion, or Jerusalem, meant a new condition for her, one that contrasted with her former desolate state. Because of this restored condition, Jehovah, who delights in Zion, declared that she would be called “My Delight Is in Her,” and her land, “Owned as a Wife.”​—Isa 62; compare Isa 54:1, 5, 6; 66:8; Jer 23:5-8; 30:17; Ga 4:26-31.