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A privilege granted exclusively to womankind by the Creator, for which he especially designed and equipped the female. The Edenic mandate given to the first human couple and later repeated to the survivors of the Flood included conceiving and bearing children. (Ge 1:28; 9:7) However, because of sin and disobedience, Jehovah said to Eve, in connection with childbearing: “I shall greatly increase the pain of your pregnancy; in birth pangs you will bring forth children.”​—Ge 3:16; see BIRTH; LABOR PAINS.

Concerning childbearing and motherhood, the apostle Paul recommended that younger widows, who may be greatly distracted if their motherly instincts are not satisfied, get married and bear children rather than spend their time gadding about as “gossipers and meddlers in other people’s affairs.” (1Ti 5:11-15) Concerning women in the Christian congregation, Paul said that they “will be kept safe through childbearing, provided they continue in faith and love and sanctification along with soundness of mind.”​—1Ti 2:15.