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Earthly Ministry of Jesus

Earthly Ministry of Jesus

THE ministry of Jesus Christ has deeply influenced the lives of people in every part of the world. Jesus did not allow himself to be distracted from his objective. As he said: “I must declare the good news of the kingdom of God, because for this I was sent forth.”​—Lu 4:43.

As shown on the accompanying maps, he covered a large territory​—mainly on foot. In connection with Jewish festivals, he made regular trips to Jerusalem during his ministry. The journeys specifically mentioned in the Gospels are shown on our maps. From Jerusalem he moved out to cover Judean territory. But he spent most of his time in Galilee, giving the whole province an intensive witness. His ministry also took him to people in the regions of Tyre and Sidon, through the Decapolis, and into Perea. He thoroughly bore witness to the truth, leaving a fine example for his followers.​—Joh 18:37; Ac 1:8; Mt 28:19, 20.

MAP: Jesus’ Earthly Ministry, Overview

MAP: Jesus’ earthly ministry, from fall of 29 C.E. through Passover of 30 C.E.

MAP: Jesus’ earthly ministry, after Passover of 30 C.E. through Passover of 31 C.E.

MAP: Jesus’ earthly ministry, after Passover of 31 C.E. until after Passover of 32 C.E.

MAP: Jesus’ earthly ministry, after Passover of 32 C.E. through Festival of Dedication in 32 C.E.

MAP: Jesus’ earthly ministry, after Festival of Dedication in 32 C.E. through Nisan 14, 33 C.E.