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(E·li·eʹzer) [My God Is Helper].

1. A man of Damascus and the apparent heir of childless Abraham. Abraham referred to him as “a son of my household.” (Ge 15:2, 3) Archaeological discoveries, such as the tablets from Nuzi, shed light on why Abraham considered Eliezer his heir. Often childless couples adopted a son who would then care for them in old age and arrange for their burial at death, thereupon inheriting the property. It was stipulated, however, that, in the event a son was born to them after the adoption, the real son would become the principal heir.

Likely Eliezer was the one spoken of as Abraham’s oldest servant and manager of his household, who was sent by Abraham to Nahor’s household in upper Mesopotamia to bring back a wife for Isaac. Like his master Abraham, Eliezer looked to Jehovah for guidance and recognized His leading.​—Ge 24:2, 4, 12-14, 56.

2. The younger of Moses’ two sons, so named by Moses because God had been his helper in delivering Moses from Pharaoh’s sword. (Ex 18:4) Eliezer had only one son, Rehabiah, through whom came many descendants. In David’s day one of these, Shelomoth, along with his brothers, was appointed over all the things made holy.​—1Ch 23:17; 26:25, 26, 28.

3. A son of Becher and a descendant of Benjamin.​—1Ch 7:6, 8.

4. One of the seven priests loudly sounding the trumpets before the ark of Jehovah when David had it brought up to Jerusalem from the house of Obed-edom.​—1Ch 15:24.

5. Son of Zichri and leader of the tribe of Reuben during David’s reign.​—1Ch 27:16.

6. Son of Dodavahu of Maresha; a prophet who foretold that Jehovah would break down King Jehoshaphat’s works as regards his shipbuilding partnership with wicked King Ahaziah.​—2Ch 20:35-37; 1Ki 22:48.

7. One of the head ones of the exiles who returned to Jerusalem with Ezra.​—Ezr 8:16.

8. A priest of “the sons of Jeshua” among those following through on Ezra’s exhortation and promising to send their foreign wives away.​—Ezr 10:18, 19.

9. A Levite among the men dismissing their foreign wives, following Ezra’s exhortation.​—Ezr 10:23, 44.

10. A descendant of Harim among those heeding Ezra’s words to dismiss their foreign wives.​—Ezr 10:31, 44.

11. An ancestor of Jesus’ earthly mother Mary.​—Lu 3:29.