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(El·kaʹnah) [God Has Produced].

1. A Levite, a son of the rebellious Korah; he and his brothers, Assir and Abiasaph, did not share the fate of their father. (Ex 6:24; Nu 26:11) He is possibly the Elkanah mentioned in 1 Chronicles 6:23.

2. The second of four Levite Kohathites named Elkanah and listed in Chronicles. He is identified as the father of Amasai and Ahimoth, and he appears to have been the son of Joel.​—1Ch 6:25, 36.

3. The third of the above Levites; seemingly the son of Mahath.​—1Ch 6:26, 35.

4. The son of Jeroham and the father of Samuel the prophet, as well as of other sons and daughters. Elkanah was a resident of Ramah of the mountainous region of Ephraim. Hence he is called an Ephraimite, although genealogically he was a Levite. (1Sa 1:1; 1Ch 6:27, 33, 34) It was Elkanah’s practice to go from year to year to Shiloh “to prostrate himself and to sacrifice to Jehovah.” He had two wives, Hannah and Peninnah. Although Hannah continued barren, Elkanah loved her and tried to console her for being barren. Later, in answer to Hannah’s prayer, Jehovah blessed them with the birth of Samuel and still later with three sons and two daughters.​—1Sa 1:2, 3, 5, 8, 19; 2:21.

5. A Levite ancestor of a certain Berechiah.​—1Ch 9:16.

6. One of the Korahites who were apparently residing in the territory of Benjamin and who “came to David at Ziklag while he was still under restrictions because of Saul.”​—1Ch 12:1, 2, 6.

7. One of the gatekeepers for the Ark at the time David had it transferred to Jerusalem from the house of Obed-edom; possibly the same as No. 6.​—1Ch 15:23, 25.

8. An official who occupied a position next to King Ahaz of Judah and who was slain by Zichri, a mighty man of Ephraim, when Pekah the king of Israel invaded Judah.​—2Ch 28:6, 7.