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(Euʹty·chus) [Fortunate; Successful].

A young man in Troas who is the last person reported in the Scriptures to have been miraculously restored to life. Upon Paul’s visit to Troas on his third missionary tour, he prolonged his discourse to the brothers until midnight. Overcome by tiredness and possibly by the heat of the many lamps and the crowded condition in the upper chamber, Eutychus fell into deep sleep and tumbled down from a third-story window. The physician Luke, the writer of Acts and apparently an eyewitness of what happened, reports that Eutychus was not merely unconscious but “was picked up dead.” Following a procedure similar to that of Elisha in resurrecting the Shunammite’s son, Paul threw himself upon Eutychus and embraced him. Paul’s words, “Stop raising a clamor, for his soul is in him,” indicated that life had been restored to Eutychus.​—Ac 20:7-12; see also 2Ki 4:34.