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(Goiʹim) [Nations].

1. The realm of King Tidal, an ally of the Elamite king Chedorlaomer. (Ge 14:1-9) Although numerous suggestions have been made, no identification of its location has been established. In view of the meaning of the term and its translation in other texts (Jg 4:2; Isa 9:1) as a common noun (“nations”) rather than a proper name, some suggest that Goiim was a collection of tribes with varied national backgrounds.​—See TIDAL.

2. The domain W of the Jordan of a Canaanite king defeated by Joshua. He is spoken of as “the king of Goiim in Gilgal.” (Jos 12:7, 23) Nothing is known of this Goiim except that Gilgal, possibly its seat, or center, is not the well-known Israelite campsite of the same name near the Jordan.