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(Haʹnan) [Showing Favor; Gracious].

1. One of “the sons of Shashak”; a Benjamite.​—1Ch 8:1, 23-25.

2. Son of Maacah; one of the mighty men of David’s military forces.​—1Ch 11:26, 43.

3. One of the six sons of Azel; a descendant of King Saul.​—1Ch 8:33-38; 9:44.

4. Son of Igdaliah, “a man of the true God.” It was in the dining room of the sons of Hanan that the prophet Jeremiah tested the Rechabites’ obedience to the command of their forefather Jehonadab not to drink wine.​—Jer 35:3-6.

5. Head of a family of Nethinim temple servants, members of which returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel in 537 B.C.E.​—Ezr 2:1, 2, 43, 46; Ne 7:46, 49.

6. One of the Levites who assisted Ezra in explaining the Law to the congregation of Israel that was assembled in the public square before the Water Gate of Jerusalem. (Ne 8:1, 7) He may have been the same as No. 7 or No. 10.

7. A Levite whose descendant, if not he himself, attested by seal the “trustworthy arrangement” contracted during Nehemiah’s governorship. (Ne 9:38; 10:1, 9, 10) If it was Hanan himself who sealed this agreement, he may be the same as No. 6 or No. 10.

8, 9. Two “heads of the people” whose descendants, if not they themselves, attested to the confession contract during Nehemiah’s governorship.​—Ne 9:38; 10:1, 14, 22, 26.

10. Son of Zaccur; a faithful Levite appointed by Nehemiah to distribute the due portions to the Levites, under the direction of Shelemiah, Zadok, and Pedaiah. (Ne 13:13) He may be the same as No. 6 or No. 7.