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(Ha·naʹni) [possibly a shortened form of Hananiah].

1. One of Heman’s 14 sons. Hanani was designated by lot to lead the 18th group of musicians at the sanctuary in the time of King David.​—1Ch 25:4-6, 9, 25.

2. The seer, or visionary, who rebuked King Asa of Judah for making an alliance with the king of Syria instead of relying upon Jehovah, and who was put in the house of the stocks because the king took offense at what he said. (2Ch 16:1-3, 7-10) Hanani apparently was the father of Jehu, the prophet who rebuked Baasha the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah.​—1Ki 16:1-4, 7; 2Ch 19:2, 3; 20:34.

3. A priest of “the sons of Immer” among those dismissing their foreign wives in compliance with Ezra’s exhortation.​—Ezr 2:36, 37; 10:10, 11, 20, 44.

4. Nehemiah’s brother. At the time of his coming to Shushan, Hanani, along with other men of Judah, apprised Nehemiah of the condition of Jerusalem’s wall. (Ne 1:2, 3) After the wall was rebuilt, Nehemiah put his brother Hanani and also Hananiah in command of Jerusalem.​—Ne 7:1, 2.

5. A Levite priest and musician who participated in the procession arranged by Nehemiah at the inauguration of Jerusalem’s wall.​—Ne 12:31-36.