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(Jaʹzer) [May [God] Help].

An Amorite city with dependent towns, located E of the Jordan. In the time of Moses, the Israelites took Jazer and the surrounding region. (Nu 21:25, 32) Originally granted to Gad and fortified by that tribe, Jazer was subsequently assigned to the Levites. (Nu 32:1, 3-5, 34, 35; Jos 13:24, 25; 21:34, 38, 39; 1Ch 6:77, 81) It was one of the places mentioned in connection with the route followed by Joab and the chiefs of the military forces when they took the census that David had ordered without having divine authorization. (2Sa 24:4, 5) Toward the close of David’s reign certain mighty men of the Hebronites residing at Jazer were assigned administrative duties in Israel’s territory E of the Jordan.​—1Ch 26:31, 32.

In the eighth century B.C.E., Jazer was in Moabite hands. It seems that the region was then, if not already earlier, famous for its vine culture. Jazer and other Moabite cities were foretold to suffer future calamity.​—Isa 16:8-10; Jer 48:32, 33.

Various possible identifications have been suggested for ancient Jazer, but its precise location remains unknown.