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Two Hebrew names, different in spelling and meaning, are transliterated into English the same way.

[1, 2: Heb., Yedha·yahʹ]

1. A Simeonite whose descendant Ziza was a chieftain when Hezekiah ruled.​—1Ch 4:24, 37, 38, 41.

2. A postexilic resident of Jerusalem who repaired the section of the city wall in front of his house; son of Harumaph.​—Ne 3:10.

[3-8: Heb., Yedhaʽ·yahʹ, Jah Knows]

3. A paternal house of priests selected by lot for the 2nd of the 24 priestly groups into which David divided the priesthood.​—1Ch 24:1, 6, 7.

Listed below are several postexilic priests designated by the name Jedaiah, some of whom were quite likely members of the same paternal house, but this is difficult to determine.

4. A priest, or possibly members of the above-mentioned paternal house, who resided in Jerusalem after the return from Babylon. Jedaiah’s being called “the son of” Joiarib at Nehemiah 11:10 may be a copyist’s addition, as is indicated by comparison with 1 Chronicles 9:10. Jedaiah and the other two (Joiarib or Jehoiarib and Jachin) at the beginning of the lists in Nehemiah and Chronicles are the same names as those of paternal houses in the time of David. (1Ch 24:6, 7, 17) So it may be that reference is simply to the paternal houses, indicating that they were represented, whereas the names following may be of individuals; or it could be that all the names are of individuals then living.​—1Ch 9:10-12; Ne 11:10-13.

5. Forefather of 973 priests who returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel. (Ezr 2:1, 2, 36; Ne 7:39) These are likely members of the same paternal house (No. 3), unless their being “of the house of Jeshua” refers to some connection with the high-priestly line.

6, 7. Two priests of this name are included in the list of those who returned with Jeshua and Zerubbabel in 537 B.C.E. (Ne 12:1, 6, 7) During the priesthood of Jeshua’s successor Joiakim, each of the two is referred to as a paternal house, one represented by Uzzi and the other by Nethanel. (Ne 12:12, 19, 21) Whether either or both of these Jedaiahs are connected with the original paternal house (No. 3) cannot be determined.

8. One of the returned exiles from whom gold and silver were taken and made into a crown for High Priest Joshua. (Zec 6:10-14) No connection with the above priests is specifically indicated.