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(Je·hoiʹa·da) [May Jehovah Know].

1. Father of the Benaiah who is almost always identified as “Benaiah the son of Jehoiada,” and who was one of David’s mighty men and also Solomon’s army chief. (2Sa 23:8, 20, 22, 23; 1Ki 2:35) Jehoiada himself is connected with the priesthood, being called “the chief priest.” He is referred to as “the leader of the sons of Aaron” and was among those flocking to David when he became king over all Israel at Hebron.​—1Ch 27:5; 12:27, 38.

2. A counselor of King David; apparently a grandson of No. 1.​—1Ch 27:33, 34.

3. High priest in the time of Jehoram, Ahaziah, Athaliah, and Jehoash. Jehoiada was married to King Jehoram’s daughter Jehosheba, also called Jehoshabeath (the only recorded instance of a high priest marrying into the royal family). Jehoiada was noted especially for overthrowing Athaliah and elevating true worship in Judah. After Athaliah’s ruling son Ahaziah was slain, she proceeded to kill off all the remaining royal offspring and placed herself on the throne. However, Jehosheba, herself a sister of Ahaziah though not necessarily Athaliah’s daughter, took Ahaziah’s infant son Jehoash away and kept him hidden for six years. In the seventh year, Jehoiada secured the support of the Levites, the chiefs of the Carian bodyguard and of the runners, as well as the heads of the paternal houses of Israel. He then produced Jehoash, whom they proclaimed as king. Jehoiada next ordered Athaliah taken outside the temple grounds and slain.​—2Ki 11:1-16; 2Ch 22:10–23:15.

Jehoiada thereafter wasted no time in advancing Jehovah’s worship. He renewed Israel’s covenant relationship with Jehovah, whereupon the people tore down the house of Baal and removed its altars, images, and priesthood. Jehoiada then restored full temple services. He had a strong influence for good upon the life of Jehoash. Jehoiada and the king repaired the temple and made various utensils for Jehovah’s house. When, at the age of 130, Jehoiada finally died, he was given the exceptional honor of burial with the kings “because he had done good in Israel and with the true God and His house.” Unfortunately, his good influence died with him, for Jehoash then listened to the princes of Judah and turned aside from Jehovah, even to the point of ordering the killing of Jehoiada’s son Zechariah, who issued the unfaithful people a rebuke.​—2Ki 11:17–12:16; 2Ch 23:16–24:22.

4. A priest who was replaced by Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah during Jeremiah’s time.​—Jer 29:24-27.