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(Je·hoshʹe·ba) [Jehovah Is Plenty].

Wife of High Priest Jehoiada; daughter of King Jehoram of Judah, though not necessarily by his wife Athaliah. Her name is also spelled “Jehoshabeath.” (2Ch 22:11) After the death of her brother (or half brother) King Ahaziah, Jehosheba took Ahaziah’s infant son Jehoash into hiding to escape Athaliah’s slaughter of the royal offspring. Jehoiada and Jehosheba kept their nephew hidden in their temple quarters for six years before Jehoiada brought him out to be proclaimed king. (2Ki 11:1-3; 2Ch 22:10-12) Jehosheba’s action, along with that of her husband, providentially preserved the royal lineage from David to the Messiah.