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(Joʹza·bad) [shortened form of Jehozabad, probably meaning “Jehovah Has Endowed”].

1. A warrior who joined David at Ziklag; a Gederathite.​—1Ch 12:1-4.

2, 3. Two persons with this name were among the headmen of Manasseh who deserted to David when he was at Ziklag and became chiefs in his army.​—1Ch 12:20, 21.

4. A commissioner appointed by King Hezekiah to assist in caring for the tithes, contributions, and holy things brought in by the people; no doubt a Levite.​—2Ch 31:12, 13.

5. A Levite chief who contributed many sheep and cattle for King Josiah’s great Passover celebration.​—2Ch 35:1, 9, 18.

6. One of the postexilic Levites into whose hand Ezra and his party weighed out all the precious items that had been brought with them from Babylon to Jerusalem in 468 B.C.E. (Ezr 8:33, 34) See Nos. 8, 9, and 10.

7. A son or descendant of Pashhur, and one of the priests who dismissed their foreign wives and sons.​—Ezr 10:22, 44.

8. One of the Levites whom Ezra successfully encouraged to send away their foreign wives. (Ezr 10:10, 11, 23, 44) Possibly the same as Nos. 6, 9, and 10.

9. One of the Levites associated with Ezra and Nehemiah who read and explained the Law to the people. (Ne 8:7-9) Possibly the same as Nos. 6, 8, and 10.

10. A Levite “over the outside business” of the rebuilt temple. (Ne 11:15, 16) Possibly the same as Nos. 6, 8, and 9.