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1. A Kohathite Levite “of the sons of Asaph” and a descendant of Korah. (Ex 6:16, 18, 21; 1Ch 9:19; 26:1) Shallum, one of “the doorkeepers of the tent,” is described as “the son of Kore the son of Ebiasaph the son of Korah,” at 1 Chronicles 9:19. This text does not mention all the generations between Shallum and Ebiasaph, but the names given belong in this one genealogy. First Chronicles 26:1 calls the gatekeeper Meshelemiah “the son of Kore.”

2. A Levite, “the son of Imnah” and “the gatekeeper to the east” of the temple in King Hezekiah’s day. He was “in charge of the voluntary offerings of the true God, to give Jehovah’s contribution and the most holy things,” and had other men under his control.​—2Ch 31:14-16.