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Map Index

Map Index

Reference numbers in this index have boldface type to indicate the volume, lightface type for the pages.

The names in parentheses in this index are usually alternate names of the same place or indications of the area in which the city or village is located.

Distances between locations, as stated in articles, are generally given in terms of air miles (km).

On maps in this publication, north is toward the top of page.

● on a map = city or village that can be located with reasonable certainty.

○ on a map = city or village concerning the location of which there is reasonable evidence but some uncertainty.

Abdon: 2:960

Abel-beth-maacah: 1:746, 947; 2:960

Abel-keramim: 1:743; 2:957

Abel-meholah: 1:743, 947, 949; 2:959

Abila: 1:602

Abilene: 2:540

Abronah: 1:541

Acco: 2:960

Achaia: 1:40

Achor, Low Plain of: 2:957

Achzib (Asher): 2:960

Achzib (Judah): 2:956

Adam: 2:959

Adami-nekeb: 2:959

Adoraim: 2:956

Adramyttium: 1:195

Adullam: 1:737, 746; 2:956

Adummim: 2:957

Aenon: 2:541, 959

Africa: 1:329; 2:533

Ai: 1:330, 737; 2:47, 957

Aijalon: 2:956

Ain: 2:956

Albert, Lake: 2:501

Alexandria: 1:72, 531; 2:334, 533

Alexandria Eschate: 2:334

Almon: 2:957

Almon-diblathaim: 1:541; 2:957

Amalek: 1:951

Ammon: 1:743, 746, 945, 949, 951

Amorites: 1:97, 738

Amphipolis: 2:747

Anab: 1:737; 2:956

Ananiah: 2:957

Anathoth: 2:47, 957

Anim: 2:956

Anti-Lebanon Mts.: 1:1024

Antioch (Pisidia): 1:194-195; 2:747

Antioch (Syria): 1:194-195, 564; 2:334, 533, 747

Antiochus, Kingdom of: 1:195

Antipatris: 2:958

Aphek (Asher): 2:960

Aphek (E of Jordan): 2:959

Aphek (Ephraim): 1:737; 2:958

Aphekah: 2:956

Appian Way: 1:130

Appius, Marketplace of: 1:130

ʽAqaba, Gulf of: 1:531, 679

Arab: 2:956

Arabah: 1:737

Arabia: 1:329; 2:540, 744

Arabian Desert: 1:679

Arad (Canaanite): 1:541, 737; 2:956

Arad (Israelite): 2:956

Aral Sea: 2:334

Aram-maacah: 1:143

Aram-naharaim: 1:143

Aram-Zobah: 1:143

Araxes River: 2:358

Arbel, House of: 2:959

Argob: 1:943

Arimathea: 2:540, 958

Arnon, T.V. of: 1:97, 333, 744, 943; 2:957, 1116

Aroer (Judah): 2:956

Aroer (Reuben): 1:737; 2:957

Arubboth: 2:958

Arumah: 2:958

Ashdod: 2:956

Asher (tribe): 1:744

Asher, Plain of: 1:333

Ashkelon: 1:743; 2:956

Ashnah (Judah): 2:956

Ashnah (S of above): 2:956

Ashtaroth: 1:943; 2:959

Asia: 1:329

Asia (Roman): 1:195; 2:744, 747, 750

Asian Phrygia: 1:194

Asshur: 1:954

Assos: 1:195; 2:747

Assyria: 1:951, 954; 2:321, 327, 358

Aswan: 2:501

Ataroth: 2:957

Atbara River: 2:501

Athens: 1:40; 2:747

Atlantic Ocean: 2:533

Attalia: 2:747

Avvim: 2:957

Azekah: 1:737; 2:956

Azmaveth: 2:957

Aznoth-tabor: 2:959

Baal: 2:957

Baalah (Mt.): 2:956

Baalath-beer: 2:957

Baale-judah: 1:746; 2:956

Baal-gad: 1:737; 2:960

Baal-hazor: 2:958

Baal-meon: 2:957

Baal-perazim: 1:746; 2:47

Baal-shalishah: 2:958

Baal-zephon: 1:536

Babylon (city): 1:236-237, 954; 2:321, 327, 332, 334, 358, 744

Babylon (empire): 1:951; 2:321

Bahurim: 1:746; 2:957

Bamoth-baal: 2:957

Bashan: 1:333, 737, 943

Beer-sheba: 1:330, 529, 743-744, 748, 947, 949; 2:540, 956

Bene-berak: 2:958

Bene-jaakan: 1:541

Benjamin (tribe): 1:744

Beroea: 2:747

Besor, T.V. of: 2:1116

Beten: 2:958

Beth-anath: 1:743; 2:960

Beth-anoth: 2:956

Bethany: 2:47, 540-541, 742, 957

Beth-arabah: 2:957

Beth-dagon: 2:958

Bethel: 1:330, 529, 737, 744, 947, 949; 2:47, 957

Beth-emek: 2:960

Beth-ezel: 2:956

Beth-gamul: 2:957

Beth-haran: 2:957

Beth-hoglah: 2:957

Beth-horon (Lower; Upper): 1:737; 2:47, 956

Beth-jeshimoth: 2:957

Bethlehem (Judah): 1:529, 743, 746; 2:47, 540, 957

Bethlehem (Zebulun): 1:743; 2:958

Beth-nimrah: 2:957

Beth-peor: 2:957

Bethphage: 2:47, 540

Bethsaida: 2:540-541, 738, 740, 960

Beth-shean: 1:602, 744; 2:959

Beth-shemesh (Issachar): 2:959

Beth-shemesh (Judah): 2:956

Beth-shittah: 1:743; 2:959

Beth-tappuah: 2:956

Bethzatha, Pool of: 2:542, 742

Beth-zur: 2:956

Betonim: 2:959

Bezek: 2:959

Bezer: 1:472, 744, 943; 2:957

Binding House of the Shepherds: 2:958

Bithynia: 1:194-195; 2:744, 747

Bitter Lakes: 1:531, 536

Black Sea: 1:329, 954; 2:327, 334, 533, 744

Blue Nile: 2:501

Bozez: 2:957

Bozkath: 2:956

Bozrah: 1:679

Britannia: 2:533

Brundisium: 1:130

Cabul: 2:960

Caesarea: 2:540, 747, 750, 958

Caesarea Philippi: 2:540-541, 960

Calah: 1:954

Cana: 2:540-541, 738, 958

Canaanites: 1:738

Canatha: 1:602; 2:540

Capernaum: 2:540-541, 738, 740, 960

Cappadocia: 1:194-195; 2:744

Carchemish: 1:330, 529, 954; 2:321

Caria: 1:194

Carmel: 1:746; 2:956

Carmel, Mt.: 1:333, 737, 947, 949, 953; 2:738, 958

Carthage: 2:533

Caspian Sea: 1:329, 954; 2:321, 334, 358, 533, 744

Cauda: 1:547; 2:750

Chaldea: 1:330

Chephar-ammoni: 2:957

Chephirah: 1:737; 2:956

Chesalon: 2:956

Chesulloth: 2:958

Chinnereth: 2:960

Chinnereth, Sea of: 1:743-744, 947

Chios: 2:747

Chisloth-tabor: 2:958

Chitlish: 2:956

Chorazin: 2:540, 738, 740, 960

Cilicia: 1:194-195, 564; 2:747, 750

Cnidus: 2:750

Coastal Plain: 1:333; 2:569

Colossae: 1:195

Commagene: 1:194

Constantinople: 2:533

Corinth: 1:40; 2:747

Cos: 2:747

Cozeba: 2:956

Crete: 1:547; 2:744, 747, 750

Cush: 1:531

Cyprus: 1:195, 564; 2:744, 747, 750

Cyrene: 2:533, 744

Dabbesheth: 2:958

Daberath: 2:958

Damascus: 1:143, 330, 602, 737, 744, 748, 947, 949, 954, 1024; 2:321, 327, 332, 334, 540

Dan (city): 1:330, 743-744, 748, 947; 2:960

Dan (tribe): 1:744

David, City of: 1:752, 895, 942

Debir (Gad): 2:959

Debir (Judah): 1:737; 2:956

Decapolis: 1:602; 2:540

Derbe: 2:747

Dibon, Dibon-gad: 1:541; 2:957

Dilean: 2:956

Dimnah: 2:958

Dimon: 2:957

Dion: 1:602; 2:540

Dophkah: 1:541

Dor: 1:737, 744, 953; 2:540, 738, 958

Dothan: 1:529, 949; 2:958

Dumah: 2:956

Ebal, Mt.: 1:737, 744; 2:958

Ebenezer: 2:958

Ecbatana: 2:327, 334, 358

Edom: 1:679, 945, 947, 949, 951

Edrei (Manasseh): 1:943; 2:959

Edrei (Naphtali): 2:960

Eglaim: 2:957

Eglon: 1:737; 2:956

Egypt: 1:529, 531, 536, 951, 954; 2:321, 327, 533, 744

Egypt, T.V. of: 1:531, 744, 748, 947

Ekron: 1:949; 2:956

Elah, Low Plain of: 1:746; 2:956

Elam: 1:954; 2:321, 327, 358, 744

Elath: 1:679

Elburz Mts.: 2:358

Elealeh: 2:957

Elephantine Island: 1:531

El Haj Route: 1:536, 541

Elim: 1:541

Elkosh: 2:956

Elteke(h): 2:956

Eltekon: 2:956

Emmaus: 2:47, 540, 956

En-dor: 1:744; 2:959

En-gannim (Issachar): 2:958

En-gannim (Judah): 2:956

En-gedi: 1:746; 2:957

En-haddah: 2:959

En-rimmon: 2:956

En-rogel: 1:752, 895; 2:957

En-shemesh: 2:957

Ephesus: 1:194-195; 2:533, 747, 945

Ephraim (city): 2:540-541, 957

Ephraim (tribe): 1:744

Esdraelon: 2:738

Eshan: 2:957

Eshtaol: 2:956

Eshtemoa: 2:956

Etam (Judah): 2:957

Etam (Simeon): 1:744, 947; 2:956

Etham: 1:536-537

Etham, Wilderness of: 1:541

Ether: 1:744; 2:956

Ethiopia: 1:531, 951; 2:327, 744

Eth-kazin: 2:958

Euphrates River: 1:143, 330, 529, 748, 954; 2:321, 327, 332, 334, 358, 533

Europe: 1:329

Ezion-geber: 1:541, 679, 748

Fair Havens: 1:547

Faiyum Oasis: 1:531

Farʽah, T.V. of: 2:959, 1116

Gad (tribe): 1:744

Gadara: 1:602; 2:540-541, 738, 740

Galatia: 1:194-195; 2:744, 747, 750

Galatian Phrygia: 1:194

Galatian Pontus: 1:194

Galilee: 2:540-541, 738

Galilee, Mts. of: 1:333

Galilee, Sea of: 1:333; 2:540-541, 738, 740, 959-960

Gallim: 2:957

Gath: 1:746; 2:956

Gath-hepher: 2:958

Gath-rimmon: 2:958

Gaugamela: 2:327, 334

Gaul: 2:533

Gaza: 1:737, 743-744, 748; 2:540, 956

Geba: 1:746; 2:47, 957

Gederah (Benjamin): 2:957

Gederah (Judah): 2:956

Gederoth: 2:956

Gedor: 2:956

Gehenna: 2:542, 742

Gennesaret, Plain of: 2:740

Gerar: 1:330; 2:956

Gerar, T.V. of: 2:1116

Gerasa: 1:602; 2:540

Gerizim, Mt.: 1:737; 2:958

Germania: 2:533

Geshur: 1:143, 746

Gethsemane, Garden of: 2:742

Gezer: 1:737, 746; 2:956

Gibbethon: 1:947; 2:956

Gibeah (Benjamin): 1:746; 2:47, 957

Gibeah (Judah): 2:956

Gibeon: 1:737, 746, 748; 2:47, 957

Gihon: 1:752, 895, 942; 2:542, 742

Gilboa, Mt.: 1:744, 746; 2:958

Gilead: 1:333, 529, 737, 743, 943, 949

Gilgal (Ephraim): 1:949; 2:958

Gilgal (near Jordan): 1:737, 743; 2:957

Giloh: 2:956

Gimzo: 2:956

Girgashites: 1:738

Golan: 1:472, 744, 943; 2:959

Golgotha: 2:742

Gomorrah: 1:330

Goshen (Egypt): 1:529, 531, 536

Goshen (Judah): 1:737; 2:956

Granicus River: 2:334

Great Sea: 1:329-330, 333, 529, 531, 536, 541; 2:98, 327, 334

Greece: 2:334, 533, 744, 747

Hadadrimmon: 2:958

Hadid: 2:956

Halak, Mt.: 1:737

Halhul: 2:956

Hali: 2:958

Ham: 2:959

Hamath: 1:143, 748, 1024

Hammath: 2:959

Hammon: 2:960

Hannathon: 2:958

Hapharaim: 2:959

Haran: 1:143, 330, 529

Harod, Well of: 1:743; 2:958

Harosheth: 1:743; 2:958

Hazar-shual: 2:956

Hazeroth: 1:541

Hazor (Benjamin): 2:957

Hazor (Judah): 2:956

Hazor (Naphtali): 1:737, 743-744; 2:960

Hebron: 1:330, 472, 529, 737, 743-744, 746; 2:956

Helbah: 2:960

Heleph: 2:959

Heliopolis: 1:531

Hepher: 1:737; 2:958

Hermon, Mt.: 1:97, 333, 943; 2:540-541, 569, 960

Heshbon: 1:737, 744; 2:957

Hierapolis: 1:195

Hinnom, Valley of: 1:752, 895; 2:542, 742

Hippos: 1:602; 2:738

Hittites: 1:738

Hivites: 1:738

Hobah: 1:330

Holon: 2:956

Homs: 1:1024

Hor, Mt.: 1:541, 679

Horesh: 1:746; 2:956

Hor-haggidgad: 1:541

Hukkok: 2:960

Hula, Lake: 2:960

Ibleam: 1:744; 2:958

Iconium: 2:747

Idalah: 2:958

Idumea: 2:540

Ijon: 1:947; 2:960

Illyricum: 2:744

India: 2:327

Indian Ocean: 2:327, 334

Indus River: 2:327, 334

Iphtah: 2:956

Ir-nahash: 2:956

Irpeel: 2:957

Israel (10-tribe): 1:947, 949

Issachar (tribe): 1:744

Issus: 2:334

Italy: 1:130; 2:533, 744, 750

Ituraea: 2:540

Iye-abarim: 1:541

Jabbok, T.V. of: 1:97, 333, 529, 943; 2:959, 1116

Jabneel (Judah): 1:744; 2:956

Jabneel (Naphtali): 2:959

Jacob’s Fountain: 2:540, 958

Jagur: 2:956

Janim: 2:957

Janoah (Ephraim): 2:958

Janoah (Naphtali): 2:960

Japhia: 2:958

Jarmuth: 1:737; 2:956

Jattir: 2:956

Jebel ʽAtaqah: 1:537

Jebel el Galala: 1:537

Jebusites: 1:738

Jehud: 2:958

Jekabzeel: 2:956

Jericho: 1:737, 947, 949; 2:540-541, 957

Jerusalem: 1:737, 744, 746, 748, 752, 895, 945, 947, 949, 951, 954; 2:47, 321, 327, 334, 533, 540-542, 742, 744, 747, 957

Jeshanah: 2:958

Jeshua: 2:956

Jezreel: 1:947, 949, 953; 2:958

Jezreel, Valley of: 1:333; 2:738, 958

Jogbehah: 1:743; 2:959

Jokdeam: 2:956

Jokneam: 1:737, 953; 2:958

Joppa: 1:744; 2:98, 540, 958

Jordan River: 1:330, 333, 541, 737, 744; 2:540-541, 738, 957, 959, 1116

Jotbah: 2:958

Jotbathah: 1:541

Judah (kingdom): 1:947, 949

Judah (tribe): 1:744

Judah, Mts. of: 1:333; 2:569

Judah, Wilderness of: 1:333

Judea: 2:540-541

Judea, Wilderness of: 2:540-541

Juttah: 2:956

Kabzeel: 2:956

Kadesh-barnea (Kadesh): 1:541, 679, 737, 947

Kain: 2:957

Kanah: 2:960

Kanah, T.V. of: 2:1116

Karkar: 1:1024

Kedesh (Issachar): 1:737, 743; 2:958

Kedesh (Naphtali): 1:472, 743-744; 2:738, 960

Keilah: 1:746; 2:956

Kenath: 1:602

Khartoum: 2:501

Khorsabad: 1:954

Kibroth-hattaavah: 1:541

Kidron, T.V. of: 1:752, 895, 942; 2:542, 553, 742

Kinah: 2:956

King’s Road: 1:541, 679

Kir-hareseth: 1:947; 2:957

Kir-heres: 2:957

Kiriath-jearim: 2:47, 956

Kir of Moab: 2:957

Kishon, T.V. of: 1:743, 949; 2:958, 1116

Lachish: 1:737; 2:956

Lahmam: 2:956

Laish: 2:960

Lakkum: 2:959

Laodicea: 1:195; 2:945

Lasea: 1:547

Lassharon: 1:737; 2:959

Lebanon Mts.: 1:143, 1024; 2:569, 960

Lebonah: 2:958

Lehi: 1:743; 2:956

Leshem: 2:960

Libnah: 1:737; 2:956

Libya: 2:744

Litani River: 1:1024; 2:960

Lod: 2:956

Lo-debar: 1:746

Luz (Bethel): 2:957

Luz (Hittite): 2:960

Lycaonia: 1:194

Lycia: 1:194-195

Lydda: 2:956

Lydia: 1:194; 2:327

Lysimachia: 2:334

Lystra: 2:747

Maacah: 1:746

Maarath: 2:956

Macedonia: 1:40; 2:327, 744, 747, 750

Machpelah, Cave of: 2:956

Madmannah: 2:956

Madon: 1:737; 2:959

Magadan: 2:540-541, 738, 740, 959

Mahanaim: 1:529, 746; 2:959

Makaz: 2:956

Makkedah: 1:737; 2:956

Malta: 2:744, 750

Mamre: 1:330, 529; 2:956

Manahath: 2:957

Manasseh (tribe): 1:744

Maon: 1:746; 2:956

Marah: 1:541

Mareal: 2:958

Mareotis, Lake: 1:72

Maresha(h): 2:956

Mattanah: 2:957

Medeba: 2:957

Media: 1:954; 2:321, 327, 358, 744

Mediterranean Sea: 2:533, 744, 747, 750

Medo-Persia: 2:327

Megiddo: 1:737, 744, 947, 953; 2:738, 958

Megiddo, Plain of: 1:953

Memphis: 1:531, 536; 2:327, 334, 501

Merom: 1:737; 2:960

Meroz: 2:960

Mesopotamia: 1:143, 330; 2:744

Michmas(h): 2:47, 957

Michmethath: 2:958

Middin: 2:957

Migdal-el: 2:960

Migdal-gad: 2:956

Migdol: 1:536-537

Migron: 2:957

Miletus: 1:195; 2:747

Minnith: 1:743; 2:957

Misrephoth-maim: 1:737; 2:960

Mitylene: 2:747

Mizpah (Benjamin): 2:47, 957

Mizpah (Gad): 1:743; 2:959

Mizpah (Judah): 2:956

Moab: 1:743, 746, 945, 947, 949, 951

Moab, Plains of: 1:541

Moreh: 2:958

Moresheth: 2:956

Moriah (Mt.): 1:330, 752

Mozah: 2:957

Myra: 1:195; 2:750

Mysia: 1:194; 2:747

Naarah: 2:957

Nain: 2:540-541, 738, 958

Naphtali (tribe): 1:744

Nazareth: 2:540-541, 738, 958

Neah: 2:958

Neballat: 2:958

Nebo (Judah): 2:956

Nebo (Reuben): 2:957

Nebo, Mt.: 1:333, 541; 2:957

Negeb: 1:330, 333, 737

Neiel: 2:960

Nephtoah: 2:957

Netophah: 2:957

Nezib: 2:956

Nibshan: 2:957

Nile River: 1:531, 536; 2:327, 334, 501

Nimrim: 2:957

Nineveh: 1:954; 2:98, 321

No, No-amon, Thebes: 1:531; 2:501

Nob: 1:746; 2:47

Noph: 1:531

Nubia: 1:531

Offense, Mt. of: 2:553

Olives, Mt. of: 2:553, 742

On: 1:531

Ono: 2:958

Ophel: 1:752, 895, 942

Ophni: 2:957

Ophrah (Benjamin): 2:957

Ophrah (Manasseh): 2:958

Orontes River: 1:1024

Paddan-aram: 1:143, 529

Palestine: 2:569

Pamphylia: 1:194-195; 2:744, 747

Paphlagonia: 1:194

Paphos: 1:564; 2:747

Parah: 2:957

Paran, Wilderness of: 1:541, 746

Parthia: 2:327, 744

Pasargadae: 2:327

Patara: 2:747

Pathros: 1:531

Patmos: 1:195; 2:945

Pella (Decapolis): 1:602; 2:540

Pella (Macedonia): 2:334

Peniel, Penuel: 1:529, 743, 947; 2:959

Perea: 2:540-541

Perga: 2:747

Pergamum: 1:195; 2:945

Perizzites: 1:738

Persepolis: 2:327, 334

Persia: 2:327

Persian Gulf: 1:329, 954; 2:321, 327, 332, 334, 744

Pharos Island: 1:72

Philadelphia (Decapolis): 1:602; 2:540, 957

Philadelphia (Roman Asia): 1:195; 2:945

Philippi: 2:747

Philistia: 1:541, 746, 945, 947, 951

Philistia, Plain of: 1:333

Phoenicia: 1:945; 2:540

Phoenix: 1:547

Phrygia: 1:194; 2:747

Pihahiroth: 1:536-537

Pirathon: 1:743; 2:958

Pisgah: 1:737; 2:957

Pisidia: 1:194; 2:747

Polemon, Kingdom of: 1:195

Pontus: 1:195; 2:744

Ptolemais: 2:738, 747, 960

Punon: 1:541

Puteoli: 1:130; 2:750

Rabbah: 1:602, 744, 746, 943; 2:957

Rabbath-moab: 2:957

Rabbith: 2:958

Rakkath: 2:959

Rakkon: 2:958

Ramah (Benjamin): 1:947; 2:47, 957

Ramah (Ephraim): 1:746; 2:958

Ramah (Naphtali): 2:960

Ramah (Simeon): 2:957

Rameses: 1:536

Ramoth (Issachar): 2:959

Ramoth (Ramoth-gilead): 1:472, 744, 943, 947, 949; 2:959

Raphana: 1:602

Red Sea: 1:329, 531, 536-537, 541; 2:327, 334, 501, 744

Rephidim: 1:541

Reuben (tribe): 1:744

Rhegium: 2:750

Rhodes: 2:747

Riblah: 1:1024

Rimmon (Benjamin): 2:957

Rimmon (Simeon): 1:947; 2:956

Rimmon (Zebulun): 2:958

Rimmon-perez: 1:541

Rissah: 1:541

Rogelim: 1:746; 2:959

Roman Empire: 2:533

Rome: 1:130; 2:533, 744, 750

Rumah: 2:958

Salamis: 1:564; 2:747

Salim: 2:959

Salmone: 1:547

Salt, City of: 2:957

Salt Sea: 1:330, 333, 529, 541, 945, 947; 2:540, 569, 957, 1116

Samaria (Manasseh): 1:947, 949, 951, 954; 2:958

Samaria (Roman district): 2:540-541

Samaria, Mts. of: 1:333; 2:569

Samos: 1:195; 2:747

Sansannah: 2:956

Sardis: 1:195; 2:334, 945

Sarid: 2:958

Scopus, Mt.: 2:553

Scythopolis: 1:602

Secacah: 2:957

Seir (Edom): 1:529, 951

Seir (Judah): 2:956

Sela: 1:679

Seleucia: 2:334, 747

Senaah: 2:957

Sepphoris: 2:738

Shaalbim: 2:956

Shaaraim: 1:744, 947; 2:956

Shamir: 1:743; 2:956

Shaphir: 2:956

Sharon, Plain of: 1:333

Sharuhen: 2:956

Shechem: 1:330, 472, 529, 744, 947; 2:958

Shema: 2:956

Shephelah: 1:333; 2:569

Shikkeron: 2:956

Shilhim: 2:956

Shiloh: 1:744, 947; 2:958

Shimron: 2:958

Shittim: 1:737; 2:957

Shunem: 1:949; 2:958

Shur: 1:330, 541

Shushan: 1:954; 2:321, 327, 332, 334

Sicily: 2:750

Sidon: 1:737, 744, 947, 949, 1024; 2:540-541, 750, 960

Siloam, Pool of: 1:942; 2:542, 742

Simeon (tribe): 1:744, 947

Sin, Wilderness of: 1:541

Sinai, Mt.: 1:541

Sinai, Wilderness of: 1:531

Smyrna: 1:195; 2:945

Soco(h) (Judah): 2:956

Soco(h) (S of above): 2:956

Soco(h) (Manasseh): 2:958

Sodom: 1:330

Sorek, T.V. of: 1:743; 2:956, 1116

Spain: 2:533, 744

Succoth (Egypt): 1:536

Succoth (Gad): 1:529, 743; 2:959

Suez, Gulf of: 1:531

Suph: 2:957

Sychar: 2:540-541, 958

Syene: 1:531; 2:501

Syracuse: 2:750

Syria: 1:194-195, 564, 945, 947, 949, 951; 2:327, 744, 747

Syrtis: 2:750

Taanach: 1:737, 744, 953; 2:958

Taanath-shiloh: 2:958

Tabbath: 2:959

Tabor, Mt.: 1:333, 743-744; 2:738, 959

Tadmor: 1:748; 2:332

Tahpanhes: 1:531

Tappuah (Ephraim): 1:737, 744; 2:958

Tappuah (Judah): 2:956

Tarshish: 2:98

Tarsus: 2:747

Taurus Mts.: 1:143

Taxila: 2:334

Tekoa: 1:746; 2:957

Tema: 2:321, 332

Teman: 1:679

Thebes, No, No-amon: 1:531; 2:327, 501

Thebez: 2:958

Thessalonica: 2:747

Three Taverns: 1:130

Thyatira: 1:195; 2:945

Tiberias: 2:540, 738, 740, 959

Tigris River: 1:143, 330, 954; 2:321, 327, 332, 334, 358, 533

Timnah (Judah): 2:956

Timnah (Judah/Dan): 1:743; 2:956

Timnath-serah: 1:744; 2:958

Tiphsah: 1:748

Tirzah: 1:737, 947; 2:958

Tochen: 1:947

Trachonitis: 2:540

Troas: 1:194-195; 2:747

Tyre: 1:744, 748; 2:321, 334, 531, 540-541, 747, 960

Tyropoeon Valley: 1:752, 895, 942; 2:542

Ur: 1:330

Urmia, Lake: 2:358

Uzzen-sheerah: 2:956

Victoria, Lake: 2:501

White Nile: 2:501

Yarmuk, T.V. of: 1:333, 943; 2:959, 1116

Yiron: 2:960

Zaanan: 2:956

Zagros Mts.: 2:358

Zalmonah: 1:541

Zanoah (Judah): 2:956

Zanoah (S of above): 2:956

Zaphon: 2:959

Zarephath: 1:949; 2:960

Zarethan: 2:959

Zebulun (tribe): 1:744

Zenan: 2:956

Zered, T.V. of: 1:679; 2:1116

Zeredah (Ephraim): 2:958

Zeredah (Manasseh): 2:959

Zereth-shahar: 2:957

Ziklag: 1:744, 746, 947; 2:956

Zin, Wilderness of: 1:541, 679

Zion, Mt.: 1:752, 942

Zior: 2:956

Ziph: 1:746; 2:956

Zoan: 1:531

Zorah: 1:743; 2:956