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Places Associated With—

1:330 Abraham

2:945 Congregations named in Revelation

1:746 David

2:744 Early Christianity’s rapid expansion

1:949 Elijah and Elisha

1:536, 537 Exodus of Israel from Egypt

1:529 Jacob

2:540-542, 738, 740, 742 Jesus’ earthly ministry

2:98 Jonah

1:743 Judges that delivered Israel

2:747, 750 Paul’s ministry

2:332 Return of Jewish exiles

1:748 Solomon

1:541 Wilderness wanderings of Israel

Promised Land

2:569 Cross section of the land

2:956-960 Detailed maps with place-names

1:947 Division between Judah and Israel

1:738 Early occupants of the land

1:333 Geographic features, satellite map

1:737 Israelite conquest of the land

2:1116 Principal torrent valleys

1:744 Tribal territories in Israel


2:542, 742 During the first century C.E.

1:752, 942 During the kingship of David and of Solomon

1:895 Gates of the city (after Babylonian exile)

1:895; 2:742 Land elevations

2:47 Nearby cities and villages

Nations and Empires

1:97 Amorites

1:954 Assyria

2:321 Babylon

1:679 Edom

1:531 Egypt

2:334 Greece

2:327, 358 Medo-Persia

1:329 Origin of nations

2:533 Rome

1:945, 951 Surrounding Israel

Other Areas and Principal Cities

1:40 Achaia

1:72 Alexandria, Egypt

1:130 Appius, Marketplace of

1:143 Aram

1:194, 195 Asia Minor (regional and provincial names)

1:472 Cities of refuge

1:547 Crete

1:564 Cyprus

1:602 Decapolis

2:738 Galilee

1:943 Gilead

1:1024 Hamath

1:953 Megiddo

2:501 Nile River

2:553 Olives, Mount of

2:531 Tyre

Index of locations on all maps: Volume 1, pages 1273-1276.