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(Mishʹa·el) [possibly, Who Is Like God?; or, Who Belongs to God?].

1. A Kohathite Levite and son of Uzziel. (Ex 6:18, 22) After Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu were executed by Jehovah for offering illegitimate fire, Mishael and his brother Elzaphan carried their bodies outside the camp.​—Le 10:1-5.

2. The original name of one of Daniel’s three Judean companions who was named “Meshach” by the principal court official of Babylon.​—Da 1:6, 7; see MESHACH.

3. One of the men who stood at Ezra’s left hand when the copyist read from the book of the Law to the Jews assembled in Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile.​—Ne 8:3, 4.