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A major city in the province of Lycia. Situated near the coast of SW Asia Minor, Myra occupied a hill about 3 km (2 mi) inland on the river Andracus. The site is now known as Demre. The ancient name Myra apparently embraced both the city and its excellent harbor.

As a prisoner bound for Rome, the apostle Paul arrived at Myra from Caesarea by way of Sidon. There he and his traveling companions had to transfer to a grain ship from Alexandria that was sailing for Italy. (Ac 27:1-6, 38) Myra was due N of Alexandria and therefore may have been on the regular route of ships from that Egyptian city. Or, it may be that contrary winds (Ac 27:4, 7) forced the Alexandrian vessel to change its course and drop anchor at Myra.

At Acts 21:1 some ancient texts add “and Myra” after “Patara.” (See JB, NE, RS ftns.) Although this addition would not be out of harmony with the rest of the account, there is insufficient evidence for determining whether the name Myra actually appeared in the original manuscript.