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An ornamental chain or string of beads, gold, silver, coral, jewels, and the like, worn around the neck. Necklaces were anciently worn by women (Ca 1:10; 4:9; compare Eze 16:11) and even by men, especially those of high station. (Ge 41:41, 42; Da 5:7, 16, 17, 29) The Midianites of Gideon’s day put necklaces on the necks of their camels, and from these necklaces, apparently, moon-shaped ornaments hung as pendants. (Jg 8:21, 26) Necklace-style chains were at times used for ornamentation, as for the temple pillars Jachin and Boaz.​—2Ch 3:15-17.

Of boastful, wicked people it is said that “haughtiness has served as a necklace to them.” (Ps 73:3, 6) On the other hand, the discipline of a father and the law of a mother are as a fine necklace to a son’s throat.​—Pr 1:8, 9.