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(Oʹbed) [Servant; One Serving].

1. A descendant of Judah; the father of Jehu and the son of Ephlal of the family of Jerahmeel.​—1Ch 2:3, 25, 37, 38.

2. Father of Jesse, King David’s father. Obed was the son of Boaz by his wife Ruth and was an ancestor of Jesus Christ.​—Ru 4:13-17, 21, 22; 1Ch 2:12; Mt 1:5; Lu 3:32.

3. One of the mighty men of David’s military forces.​—1Ch 11:26, 47.

4. A Levite of the family of Korah; the grandson of Obed-edom and the son of Shemaiah. He served as a gatekeeper “at the house of Jehovah.”​—1Ch 26:1, 4, 7, 12.

5. Father of a certain Azariah, one of “the chiefs of hundreds” who helped High Priest Jehoiada to overthrow Queen Athaliah so that Jehoash could be installed as king.​—2Ch 23:1, 12-15, 20; 24:1.