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The powerful Amorite king of Bashan (1Ki 4:19) whom the Israelites defeated before crossing into the Promised Land. Og was one of the giant Rephaim. In fact, his immense iron bier (perhaps a sarcophagus of black basalt) measured 4 by 1.8 m (13.1 by 5.8 ft). (De 3:11, ftn) He and Sihon ruled the Amorites E of the Jordan. (De 3:13; 4:46, 47) The domain of Og extended from Mount Hermon to the Jabbok, territory E of the Jordan that included 60 fortified cities and numerous rural towns. (De 3:3-5, 8-10; Jos 12:4, 5; compare Nu 21:23, 24.) His two principal cities were Edrei and Ashtaroth.​—De 1:4; Jos 13:12.

The defeat of Og at the hands of Israel came toward the end of Israel’s 40-year wandering, just before they encamped on the Plains of Moab. After defeating Sihon, Israel clashed with Og’s forces at Edrei and, in an overwhelming God-given victory, killed off Og and all his army and took possession of his cities and towns. (Nu 21:33–22:1; De 3:1-13) Og’s territory became part of Manasseh’s inheritance. (Nu 32:33; De 3:13; Jos 13:29-31) The victory brought fright to the inhabitants of Canaan and was a contributing factor prompting Rahab and the Gibeonites to seek peace with Israel so that they too were not exterminated. (Jos 2:10, 11; 9:9, 10) The victory was a great encouragement to Israel and was remembered even many centuries later.​—De 31:4; Ne 9:22; Ps 135:10-12; 136:17-22.