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(Shalʹlum) [from a root meaning “make peace; compensate; repay”].

1. Last-named son of Naphtali. (1Ch 7:13) Spelled Shillem in other texts.​—Ge 46:24; Nu 26:49; see SHILLEM.

2. Son of Shaul, grandson of Simeon, and father of Mibsam.​—1Ch 4:24, 25.

3. Son of Sismai and father of Jekamiah in the Jerahmeelite genealogical division in Judah.​—1Ch 2:4, 5, 9, 25, 40, 41.

4. A head gatekeeper of the sanctuary who at one time was stationed at the king’s gate to the E; a descendant of Korah. Though the name appears mainly in lists of those returning from Babylon and living in Jerusalem (1Ch 9:2, 3, 17-19, 31, 34; Ezr 2:1, 42; Ne 7:45), references such as to “the dining room of Maaseiah the son of Shallum the doorkeeper” in Jeremiah’s time (Jer 35:4) might indicate that the name appearing in the postexilic lists refers to a paternal house, or family, of gatekeepers descended from an earlier Shallum. Added assurance that this is so would be given if he is the same as the Shelemiah and Meshelemiah mentioned in 1 Chronicles 26:1, 2, 9, 14 as the gatekeeper E of the sanctuary during David’s reign.

5. Sixteenth king of the ten-tribe kingdom; son of Jabesh. In a conspiracy Shallum killed Zechariah, the last of Jehu’s ruling descendants, and became king in Samaria for one lunar month in about 791 B.C.E., only to be murdered by Menahem.​—2Ki 15:8, 10-15.

6. An Ephraimite whose son Jehizkiah was one of the tribal leaders who objected to making captives of their brothers from Judah.​—2Ch 28:12, 13.

7. A descendant of Aaron in the high-priestly line. Shallum’s son or descendant Hilkiah officiated during Josiah’s reign. (1Ch 6:12, 13; 2Ch 34:9) Ezra also descended from him. (Ezr 7:1, 2) He is elsewhere called Meshullam.​—1Ch 9:11; Ne 11:11; see MESHULLAM No. 4.

8. Husband of Huldah, the prophetess whom King Josiah’s delegation visited; son of Tikvah. He was presumably “the caretaker of the garments,” either for the priests or the king. (2Ki 22:14; 2Ch 34:22) Possibly the same as No. 10.

9. A son of Josiah; king of Judah for three months before being exiled by Pharaoh Nechoh. (1Ch 3:15; 2Ki 23:30-34; Jer 22:11, 12) He is elsewhere called Jehoahaz.​—See JEHOAHAZ No. 3.

10. Jeremiah’s paternal uncle. In 608 B.C.E. Jeremiah bought a field from Shallum’s son Hanamel. (Jer 32:1, 7-9) The time period would allow for him to be the same as No. 8.

11. One of the gatekeepers who agreed to dismiss their foreign wives and sons after Ezra returned to Jerusalem. (Ezr 10:24, 44) He is likely related in some way to No. 4.

12. One of the sons of Binnui who also dismissed their foreign wives and sons.​—Ezr 10:38-42, 44.

13. A prince of half the district of Jerusalem who, with his daughters, joined in doing repair work on Jerusalem’s wall; a son or descendant of Hallohesh.​—Ne 3:12.