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(Shoʹmer) [from a root that means “guard”].

1. A descendant of Asher whose four sons were chieftains and family heads. His name is also spelled Shemer.​—1Ch 7:30, 32, 34, 40.

2. Jehozabad, one of the assassins of Judah’s King Jehoash, is identified as a son of both Shomer and “Shimrith the Moabitess.” (2Ki 12:21; 2Ch 24:26) Shomer is a masculine word in Hebrew; Shimrith is feminine. Some view Shomer as the father of Jehozabad and Shimrith as his mother. However, Shomer may have been the father of Shimrith. If this is the case, Jehozabad was the grandson of Shomer, the term “son” often meaning descendant.