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A city in the territory of Issachar (Jos 19:17, 18) and not far from Jezreel and Mount Gilboa. (1Sa 28:4) Shunem is identified with modern Sulam (Shunem), which is on the SW slope of Jebel Dahi (Givʽat Ha-More) and overlooks the Valley of Jezreel. The place lies about 5 km (3 mi) N of the abandoned village of Zerʽin (Tel Yizreʽel) and some 8 km (5 mi) N of the western end of Mount Gilboa.

It was at Shunem that the Philistines encamped before the battle that resulted in the death of King Saul. (1Sa 28:4) From Shunem came the beautiful Abishag (“the Shunammite”) who cared for aged King David (1Ki 1:3, 4), and later, the prophet Elisha often lodged in the home of a hospitable couple there.​—2Ki 4:8.