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(Siʹmon) [from a Heb. root meaning “hear; listen”].

1. Simon Iscariot, father of Jesus’ betrayer Judas.​—Joh 6:71; 13:2, 26.

2. Another name for the apostle Peter.​—Mr 3:16; see PETER.

3. An apostle of Jesus Christ, distinguished from Simon Peter by the term “Cananaean.” (Mt 10:4; Mr 3:18) While it is possible that Simon once belonged to the Zealots, a Jewish party opposed to the Romans, it may instead have been due to his religious zeal that he was called “the zealous one,” or “the zealot.”​—Lu 6:15, ftn; Ac 1:13.

4. A younger half brother of Jesus. (Mt 13:55; Mr 6:3) Though he was still an unbeliever prior to the Festival of Tabernacles in 32 C.E. (Joh 7:2-8), he may have become a disciple later. Jesus’ fleshly brothers were among the crowd of about 120 disciples in Jerusalem during the season of Pentecost 33 C.E., although Simon is not specifically named as being present.​—Ac 1:14, 15.

5. A Pharisee at whose house Jesus dined. It was there that a sinful woman showed him great kindness and respect, greasing his feet with perfumed oil.​—Lu 7:36-50.

6. A resident of Bethany, spoken of as a “leper” (perhaps one cured by Jesus), in whose house Christ and his disciples, as well as the resurrected Lazarus and his sisters Mary and Martha, had a meal. There Mary anointed Jesus with costly perfumed oil.​—Mt 26:6-13; Mr 14:3-9; Joh 12:2-8.

7. A native of Cyrene and the father of Alexander and Rufus. As a passerby who was coming from the country, Simon was pressed into service to help carry Jesus’ torture stake.​—Mt 27:32; Mr 15:21; Lu 23:26; see CYRENE, CYRENIAN.

8. A magician in the city of Samaria who so amazed the nation with his magical arts that the people said of him: “This man is the Power of God, which can be called Great.” Because of Philip’s ministry, Simon “became a believer” and was baptized. Later, when the believers received the holy spirit as a result of the apostles Peter and John laying their hands upon them, Simon displayed a wrong motive, offering money for the authority needed so that those upon whom he laid his hands would receive holy spirit. Peter strongly rebuked him, telling Simon that his heart was not straight in God’s sight and urging him to repent and pray for forgiveness. In response, Simon asked these apostles to make supplication to Jehovah in his behalf.​—Ac 8:9-24.

9. A tanner of Joppa in whose house by the sea the apostle Peter was entertained for quite a few days in 36 C.E.​—Ac 9:43; 10:6, 17, 32.