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Stone Pavement

Stone Pavement

A paved place at Jerusalem where Roman Governor Pontius Pilate sat on the judgment seat when Jesus Christ was before him for trial. (Joh 19:13) The site was called, in Hebrew, “Gabbatha,” a word of uncertain derivation and possibly meaning “hill,” “height,” or “open space.” The Greek name for it, Li·thoʹstro·ton (Stone Pavement), may indicate a tessellated pavement, one of ornamental mosaic work.

“The Stone Pavement” where Jesus appeared before Pilate was in some way associated with “the governor’s palace.” (Joh 19:1-13) It may have been an open area in front of the palace of Herod the Great; some scholars favor identification with a site near or a central court within the Tower of Antonia, NW of the temple grounds. But the exact site of The Stone Pavement remains unknown.​—See ANTONIA, TOWER OF; GOVERNOR’S PALACE.