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The largest of the Hebrew units of weight and of monetary value. (Ex 38:29; 2Sa 12:30; 1Ki 10:10; 2Ki 23:33; 1Ch 29:7; 2Ch 36:3; Ezr 8:26) Calculated on the basis of its equaling 60 minas or 3,000 shekels (Ex 38:25, 26; see MINA), a talent weighed 34.2 kg (75.5 lb avdp; 91.75 lb t; 1101 oz t). In modern values a talent of silver would be reckoned at $6,606.00 and a talent of gold at $385,350.00.

Since a mina equaled 100 Greek drachmas in the first century C.E., a talent of 60 minas weighed 20.4 kg (44.8 lb avdp; 54.5 lb t; 654 oz t), less than in Hebrew Scripture times. Accordingly, in modern values, a first-century silver talent would be worth $3,924.00, and a gold talent $228,900.00.

Reckoned according to the Greek standard, the symbolic hailstones weighing about one talent (20.4 kg; 44.8 lb), as referred to at Revelation 16:21, would be a devastating plague.