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1. Brother of Ahiman and Sheshai, sons of Anak. (Nu 13:22; Jos 15:14; Jg 1:10; see AHIMAN No. 1.) Some scholars think that the name Tanmahu, found in a hieroglyphic inscription depicting a tall, light-complexioned man, is the Egyptian equivalent for Talmai. This Canaanite name also occurs in the Ras Shamra texts of the period of the Judges.

2. A son of Ammihud; king of Geshur. (2Sa 13:37) Talmai’s daughter Maacah bore Absalom to David. (2Sa 3:3; 1Ch 3:2) After having Amnon killed for violating his sister Tamar, Absalom fled to his grandfather Talmai.​—2Sa 13:28, 29, 37, 38.