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(Uzʹza) [possibly a shortened form of Uzziah, meaning “My Strength Is Jehovah”].

1. A Benjamite.​—1Ch 8:1, 7.

2. A name connected with a garden. Kings Manasseh and Amon of Judah were buried in the garden of Uzza instead of the usual royal burial places. (2Ki 21:18, 23, 26) Neither Uzza nor the garden are otherwise known. Since persons were buried there, the place could not have been in the temple grounds, and since the royal palace adjoined the temple, the “house” of Manasseh in the garden of Uzza may have been a summer residence.

3. Head of a family of Nethinim, some of whom returned to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel in 537 B.C.E.​—Ezr 2:1, 2, 43, 49; Ne 7:51.