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(Uzʹzi) [shortened form of Uzziah].

1. A son or descendant of Tola in the tribe of Issachar. Uzzi and several of his descendants became heads of ancestral houses.​—1Ch 7:1-3.

2. A descendant of Benjamin through Bela. Uzzi was a tribal family head.​—1Ch 7:6, 7.

3. A descendant of Aaron through Eleazar in the high-priestly line; possibly great-grandson of Phinehas; forefather of the Bible writer Ezra.​—1Ch 6:3-6, 51; Ezr 7:1-5.

4. A Benjamite whose son or descendant lived in postexilic Jerusalem.​—1Ch 9:3, 7-9.

5. Overseer of the Levites in Jerusalem sometime after the exile; descendant of Asaph.​—Ne 11:22.

6. Head of the priestly paternal house of Jedaiah during the time of High Priest Jeshua’s successor Joiakim. (Ne 12:1, 12, 19) Possibly identical with No. 7.

7. A priest positioned with Nehemiah at the temple for the inauguration of Jerusalem’s rebuilt wall. (Ne 12:27, 40-42) Perhaps the same person as No. 6.