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A site named in connection with the boundary of Canaanite territory. (Ge 10:19) Zeboiim was one of the five city-states of the District that rebelled after 12 years of domination by Chedorlaomer. Its King Shemeber joined forces with the rulers of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Bela (Zoar) and apparently was vanquished with them in the Low Plain of Siddim by Chedorlaomer and his three confederates. This defeat resulted in the capture of Lot and in Abraham’s subsequent victory over the invaders. (Ge 14:1-16) Later, Zeboiim was one of the wicked cities of the District destroyed by Jehovah along with Sodom and Gomorrah. (Ge 19:24, 25; De 29:22, 23; Ho 11:8) Its exact site is unknown. Many scholars believe that the original site now lies beneath the waters of the Dead Sea, though some others have recently claimed that the ruins of the city may be identified with a site along one of the wadis to the SE of the Dead Sea.