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1. The hometown of Jeroboam, first king of the northern kingdom of Israel. (1Ki 11:26) The only indication of its location is the statement: “And there was Jeroboam the son of Nebat an Ephraimite from Zeredah.” It is generally identified with Deir Ghassana (in the region of Ephraim) where the nearby spring called ʽAin Seridah preserves the name. This site is about 25 km (16 mi) SW of Shechem.

2. Reference is made to Zeredah in “the District of the Jordan” in connection with the casting of copper utensils for the temple constructed by Solomon. (2Ch 4:17) The parallel text at 1 Kings 7:46 indicates this to be the same place as Zarethan, Zeredah perhaps being a variant spelling of the name.​—See ZARETHAN.