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Is This All There Is to Life?

Is This All There Is to Life?

Kingdom News No. 19

Is This All There Is to Life?


BORN 1902

DIED 1974

Think About This—

At about twenty years of age a human becomes an adult. During another thirty years he builds a fund of valuable knowledge and experience. Then he begins to age and weaken. Finally he dies. He may have lived seventy or eighty years, but—

A giant tortoise may live more than 150 years

And this Sequoia tree has lived thousands of years

Would it not make more sense if intelligent humans lived longer than such unreasoning animals and mindless trees?

Why Humans Should Live Far Longer

Right in man’s own body is evidence that he was designed to live much longer than he does now.

Scientists recognize that the human brain has the capacity to take in a billion times the information that a person stores up in his present lifetime—and more!

Man alone of all earth’s creatures can build on knowledge acquired. He alone sets goals. But to realize his goals man needs time. And among earth’s living things, only man cares about time. Tortoises and trees have no interest in clocks or calendars.

True, if a longer life offered nothing but a continuing fight with money problems, crime, poverty and poor health, it might have little appeal. But what if you could enjoy a longer life on an earth free from such troubles? Surely every normal person would want that.

The Bible shows that God’s original purpose was for man to enjoy lasting health and life right here on earth, but in a world free from trouble. That still is God’s purpose. Read it for yourself in your own copy of the Bible at Genesis chapters 1 and 2, Isaiah 25:6-8 and Revelation 21:3, 4.

Why, then, have humans been dying for thousands of years?

Doctors who specialize in the study of aging say: “We do not have the faintest idea what causes aging.” Everyone agrees that it is something inherited. The Bible says that too. But the Bible goes farther, showing how it got started. It says that we inherit imperfection and death from our first father Adam because of his rebellion against God. (Romans 5.12) That may seem simple. Yet it fits the facts,

More important for us, the Bible also shows how God’s original purpose for mankind will yet be accomplished.

How a Longer, Truly Satisfying Life Can Be Attained

Major changes are needed. Human systems now dominating the earth must be removed. Why? Because these systems contribute to death, not life, by their wars and corruption, also by their inability to cope with violent crime and pollution.

Further, millions of persons feel “trapped” by the economic system. They feel frustrated and their lives seem to have no real purpose. To them, ‘everything is vanity and a striving after the wind,’ as the Bible says.—Ecclesiastes 1:14.

Obviously a new system is needed, a fresh start for all mankind. But who can produce such a wholesome new environment? No man or group of men can do it; thousands of years of history prove that. Only God can.

In the Bible he states his firm determination to ‘crush and put an end to all the political kingdoms’ of mankind and to ‘bring to ruin all who are ruining the earth.’ (Daniel 2:44; Revelation 11:18) This will pave the way for God’s new order. But can we expect this soon? Yes!

The distressing conditions that this generation has seen since the first world war are the very ones that the Bible foretold as marking the last days of this system of things. It also gives this assurance: ‘As these things start to occur, lift your heads up, because your deliverance is getting near. This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.’—Luke 21:7-11, 28-32.

Yet, even with the removal of the present world system, what would keep mankind from getting into the same mess all over again?

The basic problem is with people themselves. They are imperfect, afflicted by wrong desires and selfish tendencies. They are all subject to sickness and death. Only by removing these things will it be possible for people to enjoy life without slipping back into the frustrating conditions that we now face.

God has the solution for this also. That is why he sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to earth nineteen centuries ago. Jesus gave his own perfect life as The basis for removing from mankind the curse of imperfection, sickness and death. (1 Timothy 2:3-6) It is a matter of historical record that he healed the sick, restored sight to the blind and even raised the dead. (Matthew 11:2-6) Further, he pointed to God’s new order, now near at hand, as the time when these things would be done for all mankind.

In that new order, life will be truly satisfying. As the Bible shows, God will bless mankind with “quietness and security” forever. (Isaiah 32:17) People will ‘enjoy the fruit of their labor. They will not toil in vain.’ (Isaiah 65:22, 23) God’s own government will educate them in the ways of righteousness, with the result that all mankind will truly love one another. (Isaiah 54:13; John 13:35) Life will be theirs to enjoy “in abundance”—life that is full and unending.—John 10:10.

Therefore, why resign yourself to a life that winds up only in illness, weariness and the grave? The facts show that there can be much, much more to life than what you now have.

Do You Really Want More than This Life?

There is no doubt that God wants you to enjoy something far better than a life filled with trouble and frustration. So, he offers you life forever under conditions that will be really satisfying.

The earth itself gives evidence of how delightful life could be for all mankind. God has filled it with abundant varieties of animals and birds, delicious foods and places of beauty. He has also given us his written Word to explain why the earth has become overrun with violence, oppression, poverty and hunger, and when these will end.

He warmly appeals to mankind to accept his invitation to enjoy eternal life. But the time left in which to choose is limited. ‘He has been patient with mankind because he does not desire that any be destroyed,’ the Bible says at 2 Peter 3:9. Yet his patience has a limit.

If you appreciate God’s patience, you will take advantage of the opportunity open to you now to learn about God and his purposes. Jesus said: ‘Taking in knowledge of the only true God and of the one whom he sent forth, Jesus Christ, means everlasting life.’—John 17:3.

Through God’s Word you can learn why you are here on earth and what God’s purpose is for you. You can find out what happens when a person dies and where the dead are. Too, you can learn what the hope is for your loved ones who have already died.

Even now you can enjoy the very best way of life by applying the counsel found in God’s Word.

Jehovah’s witnesses have found this to be true. They will be happy to help you, free of charge, to gain such knowledge from the Bible. Get in touch with Jehovah’s witnesses locally. Or send for the two books shown here. These provide a solid basis for faith in God’s promise of everlasting life. Act now and “get a firm hold on the real life.”—1 Timothy 6:19.

[ ] Please send me, postpaid, the recently published 192-page hardbound book “Is This Life All There Is?”, also the 192-page book “Is the Bible Really the Word of God?” For the two books I enclose 50 cents as full payment.

[ ] I would appreciate it if a qualified person would visit me, free of charge, to aid me to get better acquainted with the Bible.

[Picture on page 4]

Is This Life All There Is?

Is the Bible Really the Word of God?