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God’s Purpose Now Reaching Its Climax

God’s Purpose Now Reaching Its Climax

God’s Purpose Now Reaching Its Climax

God’s purpose in creating the earth was to have it inhabited by happy people living under righteous conditions. In order to continue to live, mankind would have to obey God’s laws, but the first human pair disobeyed and became sinners, condemned to death. This brought sin and death to all of their offspring.—Genesis 1:27, 28; 2:16, 17; 3:1-19; Romans 5:12.

God, whose name is Jehovah, determined to remove the effects of disobedience and sin from the earth. In time he looked at the earth and saw among mankind a faithful man, Abram, whose name He changed to Abraham. God promised Abraham that his offspring would become a great nation and that through that nation God would provide a seed by means of which all families of the earth would bless themselves.—Genesis 12:1-3; 18:18, 19; 22:18; Psalm 83:18; Hebrews 11:8-16.

Near the end of the 16th century B.C.E., the offspring of Abraham’s grandson Jacob, or Israel, had become 12 tribes living in slavery in Egypt. Jehovah delivered these Israelites from Egypt and formed them into a nation. Through Moses at Mount Sinai he gave them the Law as their national constitution. Jehovah was their King, Judge, and Statute-Giver. The nation of Israel became God’s chosen people, his witnesses, organized to carry out his purpose. Through them would come the Messiah, who would establish an everlasting kingdom for the benefit of people of all nations.—Exodus 19:5, 6; 1 Chronicles 17:7-14; 1 Kings 4:20, 25; Isaiah 33:22; 43:10-12; Romans 9:4, 5.

After 15 centuries, or about 2,000 years ago, God sent his only-begotten Son from heaven to earth, to be born of the young Jewish virgin Mary. He was named Jesus and was to inherit the Kingdom that God promised his forefather David. At the age of 30, Jesus was baptized by John the Baptizer and began announcing God’s Kingdom. By healing the sick, he demonstrated how that coming Kingdom would bless mankind. Through illustrations, he explained what would be required of all who wanted everlasting life. Then Jesus was put to death on a stake, his perfect human life becoming a ransom for mankind.—Matthew 1:18-24; 3:13-16; 4:17-23; 6:9, 10; chapter 13; 20:28; Luke 1:26-37; 2:14; 4:43, 44; 8:1; John 3:16; Acts 10:37-39.

Jesus had explained that the Messianic Kingdom was to be established in the far-distant future, at the conclusion of the system of things. At that time he would be invisibly present in the heavens as the reigning King and would make his presence known by directing his attention to the earth. World events show that we have been living in this time since 1914. As Jesus foretold, the good news of the Kingdom is being preached throughout all the earth as a witness to all nations. As a result, people out of all nations are being gathered to the side of God’s Kingdom. These will survive the end of the present system of things and gain everlasting life on earth under the Messianic Kingdom.—Matthew, chapters 24 and 25; Revelation 7:9-17.

Many churches claim to be doing God’s will today. But how can you identify the true Christian congregation? By examining the Scriptures about the first-century Christian congregation and then by seeing who today follow that same pattern.

• What part did Abraham and Israel play in the outworking of God’s purpose?

• What did Jesus accomplish by his ministry and by his death?

• What events were prophesied to mark our present time?