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We Want to Be of Help

We Want to Be of Help

We Want to Be of Help

This brochure has been provided to acquaint you better with the activities of Jehovah’s Witnesses and their arrangements to help you to increase in Bible knowledge. You may have had visits by Jehovah’s Witnesses, or perhaps you have talked with them on the street or other places. One of the Witnesses may now be studying with you.

Did you know that their message about God’s Kingdom is being proclaimed worldwide? Why? It is because God, our Creator, wants people out of all nations to unite in worshiping him. He foretold for our time: “Many peoples will certainly go and say: ‘Come, you people, and let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will instruct us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths.’”—Isaiah 2:2, 3.

The activity of Jehovah’s Witnesses in telling you about God’s ways is a fulfillment of this prophecy. The following pages will show why this activity is important now and how you can benefit from it.