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Practical Value of the Good News to Your Community

Practical Value of the Good News to Your Community

Practical Value of the Good News to Your Community

IN TODAY’S world we often hear the opinion expressed: “The principles of Christianity are not practical. They just will not work in today’s complex society.” However, famous men like the Indian leader Mohandas K. Gandhi and Leo Tolstoy have spoken highly of the value of such principles as those presented by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. Why were these men so impressed by the moral teachings found in the Bible?

That sermon speaks of seeking spirituality and being mild-tempered, peaceable, merciful, a lover of righteousness. It condemns not only murder but being wrathful with others, not just adultery but lustful thoughts as well. It speaks against irresponsible divorce actions that break up homes and victimize children. It tells us: ‘Love even those who dislike you, give to the needy, stop judging others unmercifully, treat others as you would like to be treated.’ All this advice, if applied, would yield tremendous benefits. The more people in your community who practice them, the better your community becomes!

Jehovah’s Witnesses are an influence in this direction. The Bible teaches them to respect marriage. Their children are trained in right principles. The importance of the family is stressed. United families are a boon to your community, even to your nation. History is filled with examples of world powers crumbling when family ties weakened and immorality increased. The more individuals and families that Jehovah’s Witnesses influence to live by Christian principles, the less delinquency, immorality, and crime you will have in your community.

One of the big problems plaguing communities and nations is racial prejudice. In contrast, the apostle Peter said: “I perceive that God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.” And Paul wrote: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor freeman, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one person in union with Christ Jesus.” (Acts 10:34, 35; Galatians 3:28) Jehovah’s Witnesses accept this. All races and colors live and work together at their world headquarters, at the branches, and in the congregations.

In Africa certain tribes cannot mix together without clashes. However, in assemblies of Jehovah’s Witnesses there, people from many different tribes eat, sleep, and worship together in complete harmony and warm fellowship. Government officials are amazed when they see this. An example of the unifying effect of true Christianity was commented on by the New York Amsterdam News of August 2, 1958. The comment was inspired by observing the international assembly previously mentioned where over a quarter of a million Witnesses assembled in New York City.

“Everywhere Negroes, whites and Orientals, from all stations in life and all parts of the world, mingled joyously and freely. . . The worshiping Witnesses from 120 lands have lived and worshiped together peacefully, showing Americans how easily it can be done. . . . The assembly is a shining example of how people can work and live together.”

Many may say that the principles of Christianity are not practical for this modern world. However, what else has worked or will work? Christian principles can be of real value if applied to your community now, and they will be the basis for uniting all ‘nations, tribes, and peoples’ earth wide under the rule of God’s Kingdom over mankind.—Revelation 7:9, 10.

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All races and colors work together

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Christianity is practical. What else has worked?