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Picture Credits

Picture Credits

Picture Credits

Pictures are listed below by page number and, where necessary, are numbered in parentheses in order of appearance on page (clockwise from top left).

▪ Page 4, (1) Ladislav Janicek, Transglobe Agency, Hamburg; (3) Camerapix; (4) G. Deichmann, Transglobe Agency, Hamburg.

▪ Page 21, (1) Photo: Andy Bernhaut Archive; (2) Sung Kyun Kwan University, Seoul, Korea.

▪ Page 25, Reproduced from Medicine and the Artist (Ars Medica) by permission of the Philadelphia Museum of Art (Hermann Struck).

▪ Page 27, By permission of the British Library.

▪ Page 33, (1) Musée Guimet, Paris; (4) Ernst Haas, Transglobe Agency, Hamburg.

▪ Page 36, By courtesy of the University of Hong Kong.

▪ Page 39, Based on a map copyrighted by Pictorial Archive (Near Eastern History) Est. and Survey of Israel.

▪ Page 47, The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania (neg. #22065).

▪ Page 50, Courtesy of the Trustees of The British Museum.

▪ Page 55, (1, 2) Courtesy of The British Museum.

▪ Page 57, Musée du Louvre, Paris.

▪ Page 61, (1, 3) Courtesy of English Heritage; (2) Courtesy of Colchester and Essex Museum.

▪ Page 63, (1) Pictorial Archive (Near Eastern History) Est.; (2, 3) Courtesy of The British Museum; (4) Musée du Louvre, Paris.

▪ Page 64, (1) Rhodos Museum, Greece; (2) Olympia Museum, Greece; (3) Kos Museum, Greece.

▪ Page 82, (1) Academia Sinica, Taipei.

▪ Page 87, (2, 3) NASA photos.

▪ Page 99, (2, 3) Courtesy of The British Museum.

▪ Page 100, (2) VIDOC (Visuele Documentatie) Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, Amsterdam.

▪ Page 101, (1) Ann & Bury Peerless.

▪ Page 107, (1) Baldev, Transglobe Agency, Hamburg; (2) Gurmeet Thukral, Transglobe Agency, Hamburg.

▪ Page 117, (1) Art Gallery, Thanjavur, India. Photo by Eswar M. Katkar.

▪ Page 118, By courtesy of the Board of Trustees of the Victoria and Albert Museum.

▪ Page 123, (3) Harry Burdich, Transglobe Agency, Hamburg.

▪ Page 133, Courtesy of the Trustees of The British Museum.

▪ Page 150, (1) By permission of the British Library.

▪ Page 165, Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei, Taiwan.

▪ Page 173, (1) Courtesy of The British Museum.

▪ Page 177, (2) Sung Kyun Kwan University, Seoul, Korea.

▪ Page 181, Sung Kyun Kwan University, Seoul, Korea.

▪ Page 198, U.S. National Archives photo.

▪ Page 211, Musée du Louvre, Paris.

▪ Page 215, GPO, Jerusalem.

▪ Page 220, Estate of Roloff Beny.

▪ Page 221, By permission of the British Library.

▪ Page 222, Bob Stoff.

▪ Page 226, Horst Löber, Transglobe Agency, Hamburg.

▪ Page 227, GPO, Jerusalem.

▪ Page 230, Garo Nalbandian.

▪ Page 231, (2) GPO, Jerusalem.

▪ Page 233, GPO, Jerusalem.

▪ Page 237, Pictorial Archive (Near Eastern History) Est.

▪ Page 238, (2, 3, 6) Pictorial Archive (Near Eastern History) Est.

▪ Page 241, Israel Department of Antiquities and Museums; photograph from Israel Museum, Jerusalem.

▪ Page 259, Société Royale de Papyrologie du Caire.

▪ Page 264, Foto: servicio de Cultura-Institución Príncipe de Viana, del Gobierno de Navarra.

▪ Page 275, (1) Scala/​Art Resource; (2) Foto: servicio de Cultura-Institución Príncipe de Viana, del Gobierno de Navarra.

▪ Page 277, (1) Museo Egizio, Turin; (3) Scala/​Art Resource.

▪ Page 283, Courtesy of the Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid, Spain; (2-4) Exposición de Antiguos Instrumentos de Tortura, Toledo, Spain.

▪ Page 286, (1, 2) Garo Nalbandian.

▪ Page 289, (1-4) Camerapix.

▪ Page 290, Camerapix.

▪ Page 298, (1) Garo Nalbandian; (2) Carl Purcell, Transglobe Agency, Hamburg.

▪ Page 307, The Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, N.Y.

▪ Page 314, (2) Kunstsammlungen der Veste Coburg.

▪ Page 333, (1) From a Photograph by Mrs. J. M. Cameron; (2) Photo: New York Times, Berlin-33225115; (3) National Library of Medicine; (4) Courtesy of the Trustees of The British Museum.

▪ Page 335, (1) NASA photo.

▪ Page 337, (1) NASA photo.