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Subject Index

Subject Index

Subject Index

Abel: 349

Abram, Abraham, forefather of the Jews: 206-7

origin: 206-7

Agnostic, definition: 7

Ahimsa (nonviolence): 105-6

Gandhi’s viewpoint: 113

Jainism: 104-5

Albigenses: 309

formation of: 281-2

persecuted: 282

Alchemy, Taoist: 170-2

Alexander the Great, welcomed by Jews: 213

Allāh, God to Muslims: 284, 286-7

Anabaptists: 313, 320-1

Ancestor worship: 151, 186

Anglican Church: 313

Church of England: 325-7

Anubis, Egyptian god: 50, 53

Apostasy, apostles forewarned: 263-5, 278

in Christianity: 260

Armageddon: 371

Ashkenazi: 216

Astrology: 83-8

Babylonian star catalogs and reports: 84, 86

common among religions: 74

constellations: 86

horoscope: 88

Magi: 86

natal astrology: 87

origin of: 84

Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos: 87

scientific?: 85

Sirius and the Nile: 84

Atheism: 329-34

England in 1572: 330

failure of churches: 333

in Paris in 1623: 330

Reformation: 330-1

science and philosophy: 331-4

‘God replaced’: 329

Athens, idols and temples in: 29-30, 69

Paul’s testimony: 30-1, 69

“Unknown God”: 69

Babel: 39-40, 68

Babylon, source of religious ideas: 39

Babylon the Great: 368-70

‘get out of her’: 370-1

Bahāʼī: 304-5

beliefs: 304-5

founder: 304

Baptism: 320-1

infant: 9, 319

Baptist Church: 326-7

Bhagavad Gita: 103, 105

Hindu holy book: 105

teaching on hell: 126

Bible, authenticity: 340-2

basic teachings: 17-18

Coverdale: 325

first complete English: 310

Luther: 317

Pilate confirmed: 241

Tyndale: 325

who wrote it: 241

Wycliffe’s wish: 310

Bishops, early Christians not bishops: 267-70

‘from persecution to prestige’: 274

Brahma, Creator: 115-16, 118

Brahman, Brahm, Hindu supreme entity: 116, 119

Buddha, The (See also Gautama, Siddhārtha)

meaning of term: 137

other Buddhas: 149

views on nature of: 137-8

Buddhism: 129-60

agnostic?: 159-60

appeal to Westerner: 143

atheistic?: 145

bodhisattva: 137-8, 146, 150

Buddh Gaya, India: 76, 143

canonical texts: 130-2

decline in India: 143

Emperor Aśoka: 141

enlightenment: 138-40

extent by 7th century: 142-3

Four Noble Truths: 138-9

image worship: 157

Karma: 150-2

Lotus Sutra: 148, 150

Lumbini Grove: 134, 143

Mahayana school: 144-5, 149-50

membership: 129

Middle Way: 137-8

nature of the Buddha: 137-8

Nirvana: 137-8, 146, 154

personal effort: 139

pipal (tree): 137

present trends: 156, 158

Pure Land school: 146

rebirth (samsara): 151

scriptures: 148-50

sects: 144-8

similarity to Catholicism: 33-4

spread by Asian refugees: 129

spread through India: 140-1

Theravada (Hinayana) school: 144, 149-50

Three Baskets: 17, 149

Three Jewels: 140

Yoga: 137

Zen Buddhism: 146

‘did not teach belief in God’: 159

Cain, religious intolerance: 349

Calvin, John: 321-5

burned Servetus: 322

insisted on austere life: 323

Institutes: 323

predestination doctrine: 323

reforms in Geneva: 324

Calvinist (Reformed) Churches: 313, 327

Huguenots: 325

predestination: 323

Trinity: 322

Campbell, Joseph, Chinese deluge mythology: 50-1

‘Jesus a myth’: 65-6

Castes, four major: 108-9, 111

Gandhi’s viewpoint: 113

Celibacy: 34

Charon: 54

China, Huang-Ti (Yellow Emperor): 36-8

legend of golden age: 37

oracle bones: 83

rain rituals: 79

Shih Huang-Ti: 170

superstitions: 71, 76

Christendom: 309, 313

bishops: 267, 269-70

crusaders kill heretics: 281-2

definition: 235

major denominations: 327

‘abolished by Christ’: 274

‘bishops gained prestige’: 274

‘early factions’: 279

‘founded by Constantine’: 273

‘proof of decadence’: 309

‘religious wars’: 14

‘tradition led to murder of God’: 343

Christianity, definition: 235

governing body: 267

love is basis: 244, 247, 344

neutral in pagan Rome: 347

neutral today politically: 344-6

no clergy class: 269

preaching religion: 247-8

supranational: 348

‘Christianity challenged pagans’: 262

‘early Christian restraint’: 236

‘had Christianity been preserved’: 309

‘if invented, incredible miracle’: 237

‘loyalty suspect’: 60

Chuang-tzu, Taoist: 168-70

Church and State, Anabaptist view: 321

Calvin’s view: 324

Church of Scotland: 325

Confucianism: 161-3, 174-86

became State cult: 183

Books and Classics: 177

Chang Tao-ling: 172

concept of jen: 180, 182

concept of li: 180, 182

concept of Tao: 163-4

influence: 183-6

philosophy or religion?: 175

solution to social ills?: 181

why falls short?: 185

why triumphed: 178

Confucius: 20-1, 174-9

canonized: 175

deified: 183

meaning of name: 175

teaching method: 176

worship today: 181, 185

‘most learned scholar’: 178

Congregational Church: 326

Conservative Judaism, beliefs: 227

Constantine the Great

conversion: 272-4

Council of Nicaea: 276

cross, vision of: 273

favored Greeks: 279

‘founded Christendom’: 273

Copernicus: 88, 331

Council of Nicaea, bishops present: 276

Constantine convened: 276

pope absent: 276

Coverdale, Miles: 325

Creation, reasons for: 336-9

Creeds of Christendom: 328

Cronos, Cronus: 43-4, 54

Dalai Lama: 33, 143, 147

David, King, God’s covenant with: 210

Demonism, human sacrifice: 94

satanic cults: 94

Diet of Worms: 316

Divination (See also Fortune-telling)

geomancy: 83

oracle of Delphi: 81-2

yin and yang: 82-3

Zohar: 89

‘Babylonians noted for’: 80

Divinities, Deities (See Gods)

Durga, Kali: 116-17, 121

Dutch Reformed Church: 325

Eastern Orthodox Churches, formation of: 280

Eban, Abba, ‘Catholic persecution of Jews’: 217

Egypt, Sirius, bringer of Nile floods: 84

Evolution, effect on religion: 332

life not by chance: 336

response of clergy: 332

‘evolution compatible with Bible’: 332

Flood, Bible account: 46-8

Flood legends

Aztec: 51

Chinese: 50-1

Gilgamesh: 48-9

Hindu: 120

Inca: 51

Maya: 52

South American: 51-2

Sumerian: 49-50


Chinese: 83, 90

chiromancy: 90

common among religions: 74

geomancy: 83

I Ching: 83, 168

oracle of Delphi: 81-2

physiognomy: 89

Roman: 82

yin and yang: 82-3

Zohar: 89

‘Babylonians noted for’: 80

Fox, George, Quakers: 327

Frazer, James, on magic: 24

Freud, Sigmund, psychology theories: 24-5, 332

Gaea, Greek goddess: 42-4

Galileo, astronomer: 88, 331

Gandhi, Mahatma, ahimsa: 105, 113

Ganesa, god of good fortune: 96, 116

Ganges: Hindu sacred river: 4, 76, 121-4

Siva’s role: 122-3

valley: 140

Vishnu’s role: 122

Gautama, Siddhārtha (the Buddha): 20, 132-40

became the Buddha: 137

enlightenment: 136

lack of source material on: 130-2

legends: 132-5

origin: 128

time of birth: 135

used common language: 150

‘no gods who can help man’: 159

‘seek no assistance but self’: 139, 156

‘work out own salvation’: 140

Gibbon, Edward, on Roman divination: 82

Gilead, Watchtower Bible School of, founded: 359-60

Gilgamesh, Epic of: 47-9, 54

clay tablet: 47

Enkidu: 48-9

myth: 48-9

Utnapishtim: 49

God, basis for belief in: 334

belief under attack: 334-5

name: 225, 228-9, 232

oath to Abraham: 207-8

relationship with: 378-9

Gods, animism: 23

Assyro-Babylonian: 45

Egyptian: 50, 59, 62-4

Greek: 43, 54, 64, 66

Hindu: 116-17

Roman: 43, 60-1, 64-6

Shinto: 190-2

South American: 57-9

Taoist: 172

God’s name: 225, 228-9, 232, 366

pronunciation lost: 225

‘causes of prohibition’: 229

‘New Testament writers used Tetragrammaton’: 259

‘prohibition of name’: 228

‘removal of Tetragrammaton’: 232

‘use advocated’: 228-9

Golden Bough, The, by James Frazer: 24

Hades, god and realm: 54

Hadrian’s Wall, Roman worship: 60-1

Hasidism, beliefs of: 226

Lubavitchers: 226

Tales of the Hasidim: 223

Haskala (enlightenment)

forerunner of Modern Judaism: 217-18

Hathor: 59, 62-3

Hell, Bible’s teaching: 127-8

Buddhist depiction: 155

eternal torment: 34

Hindu teaching: 126-7

Muslim teaching: 297, 299

Taoist teaching: 174

Henry VIII, split with pope: 325-6

Hermes, Paul called: 66

Hesiod (Greek poet), Golden Age: 37

Theogony: 42, 44

Works and Days: 37

Hinayana Buddhism (See Theravada Buddhism)

Hinduism: 95-128

definition: 97

gods and goddesses: 116-17

history: 98-9, 102

holy writings: 17, 102-3, 105, 107

not polytheistic?: 97, 119

puja: 5, 124

Rama: 97, 103, 116

religious customs: 95

teachings and conduct: 105-14

terminology: 106-7

transmigration of soul: 125-6

view of life: 95

Yoga: 110

‘jungle of luxuriant growths’: 98

Horus: 59, 62

Hoyle, Fred, life’s origin: 336

Huguenots: 325

Hus, Jan: 311-12

Hutterites: 313, 321

I Ching, divination: 83, 168

Idolatry, Bible viewpoint: 211, 357

Immortal soul, belief in

African: 56

Algonquian Indian: 75

Assyro-Babylonian: 52-3

Aztec, Inca, Maya: 55-6

Bahāʼī: 305

basis for superstitions: 92

Bible’s teaching: 224-5

Buddhist today: 151

Chinese: 53

common belief: 369-70

Egyptian: 53, 59

Greek: 54-5

Hindu: 112, 114

Jewish: 219, 222-5

Muslim: 297, 299-300

not Biblical: 250, 356

origin of: 126

Shinto: 189

Taoist: 174

‘contradicts resurrection’: 222

‘Greek influence on Judaism’: 219

‘pagan dogma’: 265

Indians, North American

Algonquian idea on soul: 75

Omaha rain dance: 78

Indulgences, papal: 312, 315

Inquisition, Holy, function and results: 282-3

Tomás de Torquemada: 283

Isis, Egyptian goddess: 59

Islām: 284-303

Five Pillars of Belief: 296

Five Pillars of Observance: 303

Ḥusayn’s martyrdom: 295

Islām’s spread: 292, 302

meaning of: 285

mosques: 298, 301-2

muezzin: 5, 301

number of Muslims: 284-5

Qurʼān: 6, 17, 284-91

Qurʼān, Ḥadīth, Sharīʽah: 290-1

ṣalāt: 6, 301

shahādah, confession of faith: 296

temporary marriage: 300-1

Jainism: 104-5, 108

Japan, legend of origin: 170

Jehovah: 225, 228-9, 232, 366-7

God of prophecy: 245, 367

Latinized form: 225

name used 6,828 times: 228

Jehovah’s Witnesses: 344-65

beliefs: 356-8

Bible study meetings: 360-2

elders and servants, no clergy: 362-3

Governing Body: 363

“great crowd”: 358-9

house-to-house ministry: 355, 358

Jesus a witness: 349-50

line from Abel: 349

name embraced: 358

number in 1931, 1943, 1946, 1989: 359-61

144,000 to rule: 358

persecuted: 345-6, 360

politically neutral: 345-6

saw sovereignty issue: 355

supranational: 348

Watchtower, Golden Age, Awake!: 352, 355

Jerusalem, off-limits to Jews: 215

overthrown by Babylon: 212

razed by Romans: 207, 215

Jesus Christ, approved by God: 252-4

baptized, anointed: 240

birthplace: 239

commanded disciples to preach: 376

credentials: 236, 239

fulfilled prophecies: 245

glorified Father’s name: 258-9

indicated way to God: 244, 246

mythological?: 65-7, 237, 252-4

performed miracles: 242, 249-51

practiced love: 242, 244, 344

resurrected: 255, 375

resurrection gave impetus to preaching: 376

resurrection is basis for new world: 375-6

rock foundation of church: 268

transfiguration: 252-4

use of illustrations: 238, 242

viewed as subordinate to God: 274-5

witness of Jehovah: 258

Jews: 205-34

a nation: 209

expelled from Spain: 217

origin of name: 207

Josephus, Flavius, Jews welcomed Alexander: 213

‘Herod killed John’: 66

‘Jesus a wizard’: 67

Judaism: 205-34

circumcision: 231

Conservative: 227

festivals and customs: 230-1

God’s name: 225, 228-9, 232

Greek influence: 214

Hasidism: 217, 223, 226

immortal soul: 219, 222-5

Kethuvim: 220

mezuzah: 231

monotheistic: 208, 218-19

Neviʼim: 220

numbers: 205

Orthodox: 226

Passover (Pesach): 230-1

Reform: 224, 226-7

religion of a people: 218

religious divisions: 226-7

Sabbath (Shabbat): 230

Talmud: 221

Torah: 17, 220

why of interest: 205-6

Yom Kippur: 230

‘ignited by Greek philosophers’: 216

Kaʽbah, description: 287, 289

Karma, Bible refutation: 151-2

Buddhist belief: 151

definition: 103, 106

effect of: 112

Garuda Purana quote: 111

Knorr, Nathan H., president of Watch Tower: 359

Knox, John, Scottish Reformer: 325

Language, ‘from one source’: 31

Lao-tzu, Taoist: 165-6

Lazarus, raised from dead: 249-51

Legends, common in religions: 35

Golden Age: 36-8

Lingam, Buddhist: 157

cult of: 99, 102

Hindu: 120

Lin Yutang, on Confucianism: 178

Lollards: 311

Lord’s Evening Meal

partakers: 357

Witnesses celebrate: 357

Zwingli’s belief: 320

Lourdes, France, shrine: 77

Love, definition: 247

Luther, Martin: 21, 314-19

Bible translation: 317

marriage: 319

nailing of theses: 314-16

“justification by faith”: 318

‘retained ancient beliefs’: 318

Lutheran Churches: 313

similar to Catholic: 318-19

Maat, Egyptian goddess of truth: 50, 53

Magic, as origin of religion: 24

casting spells: 79

Chinese: 78-9

common among religions: 74

imitative magic: 78

Ngoni (E. Africa): 79

Omaha Indians: 78

rise of: 77-8

Taoist: 170-1

Mahayana Buddhism: 144-6, 149-50

Mantrayana (See Tibetan Buddhism)

Mao Tse-tung: 161

Marx, Karl: 332-3

Mary (mother of Jesus)

frequency in Bible: 277

Mother-of-God teaching: 277

veneration: 277

Mass (Communion, or the Eucharist): 320

Bible viewpoint: 357

Mecca, idolatry cleansed: 292

pilgrimage: 4, 289, 303

site of the Kaʽbah: 287, 289

Medicine man: 77-8

Meditation, Gautama: 137

Zen Buddhism: 146

Mendelssohn, Moses

Haskala: 217-18, 227

Mennonites: 313, 321

Messiah, Bible prophecies: 232-3, 245

concept rejected: 218, 234

False Messiahs: 217

Jewish concept: 233-4

modern Jewish view: 234

Methodist Church: 327

Mithras, Roman god: 61, 65

Moksha, definition: 114

paths to: 110

Mormon, Book of: 17

Moses, Hebrew leader: 208-9

Mosque: 298, 303

Mezquita, Spain: 302-3

‘heart of Muslim society’: 301-2

Mother goddess: 277

Catholic: 33, 277

Chinese: 33

Egyptian: 59

Hindu: 98, 121

Taoist Matsu: 185

Muḥammad, call to be prophet: 286-8

death and crisis: 292-5

early life: 286-7

emigration, hijrah: 292

founder of Islām: 20-1

issue of succession: 293-5

marriages: 300

period of revelations: 288, 290

Qurʼān memorized: 288, 290

rejected in Mecca: 292

‘ascended to heaven’: 286

‘no Islāmic issue brought more bloodshed’: 293

Muḥammad al-Muntaẓar

12th imām, and Mahdi: 295

Muslim(s), meaning of: 285

Shīʽite: 293-5

Sunnī: 293-5

why reject Jews and Christians: 295-6

Mythology: 41-68

African: 56

Aztec: 51, 55, 57, 59

Chinese: 44-5, 50-1, 53

Egyptian: 57, 59, 62-4

Gilgamesh: 48-9

Greek: 42-4, 54

home of the gods: 42

immortal soul: 41, 52-5

Inca: 45-6, 55

Maya: 52, 55-6

Roman: 43, 60-1, 64-5

‘New heaven and new earth,’ Christian hope: 365

new rulership: 372-4

New world

only one religion: 378

promised by God: 372-5

New Year’s Day

Egyptian celebration: 63


Bible refutation: 154, 156

Buddhist concept: 137, 154

OM, AUM, Hindu word symbol: 106, 116, 119

Orthodox Judaism: 226

Osiris, brother of Isis: 59

judged souls: 50, 53

Overseers, elders

early Christian: 267, 269

not bishops: 270-1

Pandora, Greek legend: 37


Bible teaching: 372-5

Buddhist belief: 146

Muslim belief: 297, 299-300

‘Peace and security’: 371-2

Pentecost, God gave spirit to Christians: 257, 260

Peter (apostle)

not first pope: 268

Pharisees: 214-15

Plagues, on Egypt: 62-4

Polytheism: 92-3, 97, 119

Pontifex Maximus, pope adopted title: 262, 271

Roman State religion: 65

Pontius Pilate, condemned Jesus: 254

historical: 241

Pope, papacy: 268-72

Leo I: 271-2

Leo III: 272

Peter not pope: 268, 272

rules sovereign state: 272

sources of revenue: 307

Sylvester I not at Nicaea: 276

titles: 272

‘title used in 3rd century’: 271

‘very worldly popes’: 308

Porphyry, Jesus not called God: 266

Prayer, rosary: 33

wheel: 33, 147

Predestination, Calvin’s theology: 323

Prophets, Hebrew, sent by Jehovah: 210, 212

Ptolemy, Claudius, Greek astronomer: 87

Pure Land Buddhism: 146

Purgatory: 315

Puritans: 313, 325-6

Quakers: 327

Qurʼān, Arabic: 284, 290-1

Biblical parallels: 285

communicated by Gabriel: 6, 287-8

first revelation: 288

meaning: 284

period of revelations: 288

“The Clot”: 288

“The Opening”: 284

translation: 291

when written: 290

Qurʼān quotations

‘abide in hell for ages’: 299

‘Allāh brings friendship’: 11

‘Allāh receives souls’: 297

‘fresh skins taste torment’: 299

‘Gardens for good souls’: 300

‘God is One God’: 296

‘hell a blazing fire’: 299

‘hellfire torments’: 299

‘marry two, three, or four women’: 300

‘Qurʼān in Arabic’: 291

‘recline with wives’: 300

‘Resurrection Day’: 297

‘revealed Torah and Gospels’: 285

‘righteous inherit earth’: 300

‘say not Trinity’: 297

‘soul goes to Barzakh’: 299

‘those who go astray’: 295

‘torment of hell’: 299

Ra, Amon-Ra

Egyptian sun-god: 57

Rabbis, Jewish teachers: 214

Rambam: 221

Rashi: 221

Rama: 97, 103, 116


rejected by Bahāʼīs: 305

Russell, C. T.: 352

Reformation: 306-28

Augsburg Confession: 317-18

backlash of: 330-1

decisive starting point: 314

Luther’s 95 theses: 315-16

made Bible available: 328

name Protestant coined: 317

old creeds retained: 328

three main divisions: 313

Reform Judaism

beliefs: 224, 226-7

Reincarnation (See also Transmigration)

Bible refutation: 153-4

Buddhist belief: 151-3

Taoist celestial masters: 172


among all peoples: 19, 73

attempt to explain: 26

bloodstained: 370

common threads in: 32

definition: 7, 16, 265

from common origin: 35-6

identify true religion: 377

Roman soldier’s: 60-1

theories on origin of: 22-5

why man is religious: 28

‘all religions equal’: 12

‘evil from religious conviction’: 14

‘false religions’: 14

‘impossible to reach origins’: 26

‘man forever questing’: 73

‘religion à la carte’: 342

‘religion to hate’: 14

Resurrection, Bible’s teaching: 222, 224-5

Christian belief: 375-6, 379

Greek word: 266

in Jewish theology: 222

Jesus’ not a myth: 255-6

Lazarus raised: 249-51

Muslim belief: 297

‘growing concept of’: 222

‘immortal soul contradicts’: 219, 222

‘was a central doctrine of Judaism’: 223

Rhea, Greek goddess: 43-4

Roman Catholic Church

Coptic and Jacobite churches break away: 279

during Swiss reform: 320

Eastern church breaks away: 280

Europe’s largest landholder: 306-7

iconoclastic period: 280

Machiavelli’s comments: 309

papacy: 268-72

priestly immorality: 308

rosary: 5, 33

similarity to Buddhism: 33-4

split by language and geography: 279

‘Church took on pagan customs’: 262

‘Paradise shut from those with no money’: 308-9 ‘retrograde, decadent, corrupt’: 306

‘very worldly popes’: 308

Roman gods

debauched: 64-5

more numerous than people: 82

Russell, Charles T.: 350-4

early life: 350-1

founded Bible society: 352

founded Zion’s Watch Tower: 352

ransom issue: 352

view of doctrines: 350-3

view of 1914: 353

view of parousia: 353

Rutherford, J.F., president of Watch Tower: 354-5

Sadducees: 214-15

Satan, Devil, abyssed: 371

blinds unbelievers: 367

Mara, Buddhist devil: 137

Sati, widow suicide: 115, 118

Savonarola, Girolamo, Italian Reformer: 312-13

Science, effect on religion: 331-2

Sephardic, Jewish community: 216


God’s name in: 259

when translated: 213

Servetus, Michael

Spanish Reformer: 322

Shema, Hebrew prayer: 219

Shinto: 187-204

Amaterasu, sun-goddess: 191-2, 200

ancestor worship: 189

Buddhist influence: 196-8

departed souls: 189-90

emperor worship: 199-203

festivals: 193-5

Imperial Rescripts: 200-1

kami, gods: 191

kamikaze: 197-8

membership: 188

religious customs: 187

shintai: 190-1

Shinto writings: 192, 200-1

‘religion of withouts’: 192

‘way of the gods’: 196

Sikhism: 100-1

Guru Nānak, founder: 100

use of turbans: 100-1

warrior tradition: 105, 108

Siva, Destroyer: 115, 117

Mahesha, Mahadeva: 120

prototype of: 98

Soul (See also Immortal Soul)

Algonquian Indians: 75

Bible’s teaching: 125-6, 127-8, 224, 356

Malays: 75

original Buddhist concept: 151

Spain, Jews expelled: 217, 302

reconquest: 302

Spirit(s), belief in: 75-6

Bible teaching: 153-4

Spiritism: 69-94

identifies Babylon the Great: 369


‘Chrestus [Christ]’: 237

‘Christians a new sect’: 260

Sun worship, Aztec: 57, 59

Egyptian: 57

Inca: 57-9

Superstitions: 70-2

amulets and talismans: 92

birthday: 70

certain numbers: 71

Chinese: 71, 76, 184

Druids: 76

immortal soul: 92

innocent fun?: 91-2, 94

Japanese: 71

Philippines: 71

Taoist: 173-4

wearing black at funeral: 70

Synagogue: 212

Talmud, Gemara: 221

immortal soul in: 223

Mishnah: 221

oral traditions: 216, 221

revered more than Bible: 216

Tanakh, three divisions of Hebrew Bible: 220

Taoism: 161-74

belief in immortality: 169-71

celestial master: 172, 184-5

Chuang-tzu: 168-9

concept of Tao: 163-4, 166-7

I Ching: 83, 168

immortals: 170

influence on art: 171

Lao-tzu: 165-6

Tao Te Ching: 166-7, 169

why falls short?: 185

Ten Commandments

Israel’s law: 209, 211


appears 6,828 times: 228

four consonants: 225, 246

‘characterized person of God’: 228

Tetzel, John, sale of indulgences: 315

Theravada Buddhism: 144, 149-50

Tibetan Buddhism (Lamaism): 33, 147-8

Totem and Taboo, by Sigmund Freud: 24

Toynbee, Arnold

‘accident of birthplace’: 8

‘man’s true end’: 14

‘spiritual reality’: 366


Peter witnessed: 67

reality, not myth: 252-4

Transmigration (See also Reincarnation)

Bahāʼīs reject: 305

Hindu samsara: 102-3, 106

Jewish belief: 223

‘soul in another body’: 223

Triads, Egyptian: 59

Hindu (Trimurti): 115-17


Arius rejected: 274-5

Bahāʼīs reject: 305

common denominator: 369

debate raged: 274-6

developed in theological vacuum: 229, 232

excluded by the Shema: 219

filioque debate: 280

God’s role submerged: 277

Muslims reject: 296-7

Servetus’ stand: 322

Witnesses reject: 356

‘Bible excludes Trinity’: 219

‘early church considered Christ subordinate’: 275

‘Greek reason’: 263-4

‘mystery which cannot be solved’: 264

‘not orthodox doctrine in 4th century’: 275

‘removal of Tetragrammaton aided’: 232

Tyndale, William, Bible translation: 325

Unamuno, Miguel de (Spanish scholar)

‘immortal soul is pagan’: 265

‘Jesus believed in resurrection’: 265

United Nations, symbolized in Bible: 370

Unkulunkulu, Zulu death-legend: 56

Uranus, Greek god: 42-3

Van Amburgh, W. E.

‘God still at helm’: 354

Vishnu, Preserver: 115, 117

ten avatars: 119

Waldenses: 280-1, 309

Wesley, John, founder of Methodist Church: 327

Witchcraft, Acts of Parliament forbidding: 79

witches and wizards: 70, 79

Wittenberg, center of reform: 314-15

Wycliffe, John, English Reformer: 310-12, 325

YHWH, Tetragrammaton: 225, 232

Yin and yang, method of divination: 82-3

Taoist concept: 168

Yoga: 110, 137

Zen Buddhism: 146

Zeus, Barnabas called: 66

Greek god: 43-4, 54

Zionism, ‘secularization of messianism’: 218

Zoroastrianism, Ahura Mazda, the creator: 36

Avesta, sacred book: 36

Zwingli, Ulrich, Swiss Reformer: 319-20