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Subject Index

Subject Index

Subject Index


Anarchy, collapse for organized society, reason, 309, 310, 314

Angels, guidance of, in gathering “holy nation,” 245

holy, pictured, 127, 128

reapers, 101, 102, 104, 362

Anointed remnant, antitypical “house of Judah,” 288

garments befouled, 182, 183

serve notice on Christendom’s leaders, 288-291

united, how? 293-295


Babylon, no homeward way for prisoners, 228

Babylon the Great, call to come out, 277, 299

world empire of false religion, 105, 121, 220, 258, 299

Ban, building, challenged by Jehovah, 32-36

“Bible Students Monthly, The,” on clergy blamed for war, 307, 308

“Blessed Are the Fearless,” Part I, Part II, 50

“Bowl causing reeling to all the peoples,” meaning, 331-333

“Burdensome stone,” Kingdom right becomes, to nations, 334-336


Capital organization, God’s purpose to set up, 149-153

“Challenge, A,” declaration, 1922 C.E., 167

Change of garments was necessary, how, 179-185

Chariots, four, explained, 222-224

“Charming” headstone, meaning, 198-201

Christian witnesses, persecuted 1914-1918 C.E., 137, 138

‘City captured,’ explained, 370-374

City of divine favor, nations go to, 239-258

Cleansing, law, 108-110

Clergy, could have prevented war, 307, 308

“Congregation of the firstborn,” identified, 330, 331

Consequences of rejecting God’s shepherd ruler, 302-328

Convention, Cedar Point, Ohio, 1919 C.E., 50, 51, 102, 202, 298

Cedar Point, Ohio, 1922 C.E., 111

Detroit, Mich., 1928, 300

Washington, D.C., 1935, 78

Covenant, broken, proof, 310-314

Crown for the temple-building high priest, 228-233

Curse on ground, how long? 17, 18

Cyrus, issued decree, 28-32

overthrew Babylon, 131, 132, 296


Darius I, acts on rebuilding, 126

acts on rebuilding ban, 196-198

Darius the Mede, not Darius the Persian king, 25, 26

Dates, 2370 B.C.E., Flood, 284

1513 B.C.E., Mt. Sinai shaken, 59

997 B.C.E., revolt of ten tribes, 291, 292

740 B.C.E., ten-tribe kingdom overthrown, 291, 292, 296

607 B.C.E., Jerusalem destroyed, 28, 136, 162, 252, 291

539 B.C.E., Babylon overthrown, 24, 25, 131, 132, 162, 164, 296

537 B.C.E., exiles returned, 35, 92, 195, 241, 277, 278

536 B.C.E., foundation of temple laid, 33, 55, 92

515 B.C.E., inauguration of rebuilt temple, 61

455 B.C.E., Nehemiah rebuilt wall, 155, 158

29 C.E., Jesus baptized, anointed, 87, 389

33 C.E., death of Jesus, 87, 347, 367

33 C.E., Jesus resurrected, 87, 341

33 C.E., Jesus’ triumphant ride, 275, 276, 367

33 C.E., Shepherd struck, 355-358

36 C.E., conversion of Cornelius, 267

70 C.E., Jerusalem destroyed, 62, 90, 144, 155, 159, 325, 330, 348, 371

1879 C.E., “Watch Tower,” statement on funds, 83

1914 C.E., Gentile Times end, 46, 69, 71, 72, 100, 105, 122, 137, 169, 224, 254, 270, 274, 289

1914 C.E., Kingdom established, 167, 280, 368, 369, 378

1914-1918 C.E., World War I, 61, 99, 114, 139, 273, 348

1918 C.E., seven members of Governing Body arrested, 370, 371

1918 C.E., work of symbolic “two witnesses” killed, 46, 47

1919 C.E., call to remnant, 158-161, 277

1919 C.E., fall of Babylon the Great, 297

1919 C.E., League adopted, 166, 280, 333, 334

1919 C.E., remnant restored, 121, 243

1919 C.E., witnesses “resurrected,” 169-171

1920 C.E., “The Golden Age,” No. 27, published, 371

1922-1928 C.E., judicial decisions of Jehovah, 167, 168

1931 C.E., name “Jehovah’s witnesses” embraced, 105, 364

1933-1945 C.E., persecution in Germany, 145

1935 C.E., attention called to “great crowd,” 174

1939 C.E., November 1, “Watchtower” on neutrality, 334

1939-1945 C.E., World War II, 161, 282, 373

“Day, The,” speech at Cedar Point, Ohio, 1922, 111

“Declaration Against Satan and for Jehovah,” adopted 1928 C.E., 167

Demon angels, unseen heavens, 69-71

“Desirable things,” come in, 75-91

Disfellowshiping, apostates and rebels, 355

“‘Distress of Nations’: Cause, Warning, Remedy,” published in 1920 C.E., 371


Earth, symbolic, rocked, 70-74

Ephah measure, meaning, 217, 218

Evildoer, sympathetic, Jesus’ promise fulfilled, 13

“Evil slave,” cut off, 363, 364

picture, 363, 364

Eyes, rot away, 389, 390, 392


False predictions, unification in spite of, 282-301

False prophets, pass out of spiritual estate of remnant, 351, 352

Fasting, God’s viewpoint, 236-239

Feet on mountain, Jehovah’s, meaning, 378, 379

Festival, international, in Paradise, 394-408

Festival of Booths (Ingathering), after return from Babylon, 110

ancient, picture, 401, 402

those not celebrating, 397-401

“Finished Mystery, The,” published in 1917 C.E., 352

Flock scattered, 355-358

“Former house” and “later house,” contrasted, 84-87

Four, number, symbol, 142

Four chariots, symbolic, duty, 233

Four craftsmen, picture, 143

Four horns, meaning, 142

Funds, 1879 C.E., “Watch Tower” statement, 83


Garments, change necessary, how, 179-185

Gentile nations, carried indignation too far, 133, 134

final attack, 380-383

Gentile Times, began in 607 B.C.E., 120

end, 100, 122, 137, 224, 254, 270

God’s capital organization, growth and protection, 147-175

God’s reaction to touching “my eyeball,166-168

God’s shepherd ruler, consequences of rejecting, 302-328

“Gog of the land of Magog,” leader of attack on remnant, 380

“Government,” published in 1928 C.E., 299, 300

“Great crowd,” acknowledge Sovereign, 232

at spiritual temple, 80-82

swords into plowshares, 90, 91

Greater glory of the “later house,82-87

“Great mountain,” figurative, 195, 196, 198

“Great multitude,” advocates of Jehovah’s sovereignty, 76-82

1935 C.E., “Watch Tower,” 78

“Great tribulation,” Babylon the Great in darkness, 381

“useless shepherd” class destroyed, 328


Haggai, first message, 26-52

second message, 54-91

third message, 107-115

fourth message, 116-123

modern-day, began to be heard, 48-52

Har–Magedon, associated with Jehovah’s personal name, 382, 383

rocking of nations, climax, 82

war of God Almighty, 224, 272, 301, 304, 368, 376

“Heavens,” shaken, 69, 70

symbolic, 67-71

High Priest, crown for the temple-building, 228-233

High Priest Christ Jesus, entered into real Most Holy, 185

relieved of “befouled garments,” 183

High Priest Joshua, clean turban on head, meaning, 183-185

type, 176

“Holy” of temple, picture, 88, 103

“Hope for Distressed Humanity, The,” public lecture, 51

“Horns,” dispersion, 162, 163

four, symbol, 141

Horse bells, picture, 402, 403

Horses, four, 223, 225, 226

symbol, 127, 402, 403

House filled with glory, how, 80-82


Ingathering, joyful, international, 401-405

International Bible Students, need for repentance, 99

International festival in Paradise, 394-408

International gathering to God’s city, 254-258

Issue of worship, modern times, 99-103


Jehovah, first promise of restoration, 240, 241

second promise of restoration, 241

third promise of restoration, 242-244

fourth promise of restoration, 244

fifth promise of restoration, 245

sixth promise of restoration, 246-249

seventh promise of restoration, 249-252

eighth promise of restoration, 252, 253

ninth promise of restoration, 253, 254

tenth promise of restoration, 255-258

gives remedy for disappointed hopes, 36-40

judicial decisions more pronounced, 167, 168

seven eyes, meaning, 203

“Jehovah King,” “Government” book on, 300

“Jehovah of armies,” action against military forces, 117

designation of Jehovah himself, 26, 27

occurrence in Hebrew Scriptures, 27

Jehovah’s feet on mountain, meaning, 378, 379

Jehovah’s organization, 100-102

Jehovah’s sovereignty, modern-day advocates, 76-82

Jehovah the king “one, and his name one,387-389

Jerusalem, besieged by Herod, 272

ceased to be location of “well,” 348

desolated in 607 B.C.E., 84

destroyed in 70 C.E., 144, 155, 159, 330, 348

destroyed in 607 B.C.E., 28, 128, 136, 162, 252, 291

heavenly, made a “bowl causing reeling,” 329-331

heavenly, under siege, 333, 334

symbol of pure worship, 207

walls built by Nehemiah, 155, 158

Jesus, pierced through for vindication, 343, 344

Jesus Christ, antitypical Zerubbabel, 121

body, pierced, 340-344, 347, 348

enthroned in heavens, 361

Greater Shepherd, 314-316

identified as true Messiah, 270-275

shepherd to flock of Israel, 315-321

value stipulated to Judas for, 321-323

Jews, exiles in Babylon, 617, 607 B.C.E., 95, 162

John, apostle, witness, 45

describes capital organization, 149-151

Joshua, faith needed, 84

high priest, type, 230

Joshua and Zerubbabel, pictured, 205, 206

Joshua in befouled garments, type, 179-183

Judas Iscariot, did not keep thirty shekels, 322

value stipulated, Jesus, 321-323


King comes to Jerusalem, 269-275

Kingdom withstands international assault, 328-344

“King of the north,145

‘Kings of the earth,’ identified, 151


Lamps, seven, meaning, 193, 194

Lampstand, vision, meaning, 193, 194, 206, 207

“Land of Hadrach,” associated with Damascus, 259, 261

Land of Shinar, fitting place for wickedness, 220

“Land of the north,” fleeing, foreshadowed what? 162

identified, 162, 227

“Later house,” glory, 82-87

Law covenant, blotted out, 325

Law on cleansing, 108-110

League of Nations, adopted 1919 C.E., 166

“political expression of the Kingdom of God on earth,” 280

Levite priests, Haggai’s first prophecy addressed to, 106-110

test question, 107-110

Liberator, call, 161-166

“Living waters,” for all mankind, 383-387


Making a sworn oath in God’s name falsely, 214-217

“Maned young lions,” symbolic, 304

Melchizedek, foreshadowed Messiah, 230, 231, 401

Mercy to persecuted; judgment to persecutors, 124-146

Messiah, pictured, 206, 230

promise left to evildoer, 395

true identity, 270-275

Messianic kingdom, born in heavens, 166, 167

established, 254, 378

inaugurated in 1914 C.E., 169

pictured, 224, 376-378

Mountains, symbol, 223, 224

Mount of Olives, division, picture, 374-380


“Names of the idols,” pass out of land, meaning, 351-353

Nations, advisability for, to join in festival, 398-405

in store for annihilation, 336-339

Nations go to city of divine favor, 239-258

Nations rock, foretold by Haggai, how? 57-61, 69-71

modern fulfillment, 61-66, 69-71

Neutrality, International Bible Students failed to keep, 99

New covenant, blood of, applied, 276, 277

spiritual Israel in, 330, 331

New Jerusalem, capital organization, 149-153

represented by remnant, 157-161

“Not by a military force, nor by power, but”—, 192-207


Obstacles overcome, 295-301

“Olive oil,” symbolic, 204-207

144,000, number foreordained, 102, 105, 160

sealed, 79

Organizations, two distinguished, 100-102


Paradise, Jesus held out hope, 7-13

restored through Theocracy, 300

unextended, wiped out by Flood, 11, 17, 18

Persecutors in for divine attention, 143-146

Philistia, 264-269

Philistines, antitypical, 267-269

Phoenicia, 262, 263, 269

Presentation of the King brings release to prisoners, 259-282

Preservation, “third part,” in a purged land, 344-365

Prisoners, of symbolic woman, 275-278

Pure worship, assured forever, 82

began to be established, 221, 222


Reapers, angels, 101, 102

Rejoice, why now the call to, 168-175

Remedy for those with disappointed hopes, 36-52

Remnant, Israelite, liberated in 537 B.C.E., 360

liberated in 1919 C.E., 166, 348, 360, 379

strict neutrality, 350

Restoration, first promise of Jehovah, 240, 241

second promise of Jehovah, 241

third promise of Jehovah, 242-244

fourth promise of Jehovah, 244

fifth promise of Jehovah, 245

sixth promise of Jehovah, 246-249

seventh promise of Jehovah, 249-252

eighth promise of Jehovah, 252, 253

ninth promise of Jehovah, 253, 254

tenth promise of Jehovah, 255-258

“River of water of life,” picture, 384, 385

Ruiners of earth, brought to ruin, 394, 395

Rulers, likened to trees, 302-305

political, “arm” and “right eye” to fade, 328

sold “sheep” to be killed, 305-309

Russell, Charles Taze, served notice to nations, 332


Salt Sea and Great Sea, picture, 383-385

Satan the Devil, invisible organization, pictured, 69-71

organization, 100

pictured, 362

Scattering, caused by striking the shepherd, 355-358

Scourge, confusion on attacking enemies, 389-394

Seal ring, importance, 118-122

Seas, symbolic, 384, 385

“Seasons of Refreshing,” 1919 C.E. “Watch Tower,” 48, 49

Seven eyes, meaning, 203

“Sheep,” abandoned to tradesmen, 313, 314

sold by rulers to be killed, 305-309

Shepherd, Christ Jesus struck, 355-358

wages and value placed upon, 314-325

Shepherd Ruler, consequences of rejecting, 302-328

‘Sin and an abhorrent thing,’ well opened up for, 345-350

“Skirt of a man who is a Jew,” taking ahold, meaning, 255-258, 261

“ten men” attach themselves, 364, 365

Spiritual Israel, beginning, 151

dispersion, how figurative, 162, 163

in new covenant, 330, 331

organized, 101, 102

Spiritual remnant, New Jerusalem represented in, 157-161

“resurrected,” 172

Spiritual temple, Jehovah in, 100-102

typical representations, 86, 87

Spiritual underpriests, in temple’s “holy,” 103-106

“Sprout” and “the stone,185-190

Staffs, 310-314, 319, 320

Staff Union, broken and consequences, 324, 325

Stealing, consequences, 210-214

“Stone,” put before Joshua, picture, 187-189

Stone mountain, picture, 376, 377


Temple, building, ban imposed, 30-32

building barrier reduced to nothing, 194-198

Temple remains as nations rock, 53-74

“Ten horns,” symbolic, Lamb fought, 395

“Ten men,” identified, picture, 364, 365, 373

Theocracy, first man rebelled against, 15-17

triumphs over all the nations, 365-394

Thievery, 209-214

“Third part” preserved in a purged land, 344-365

“Three Shepherds,316, 317

Tongues, rot away, 389, 390, 392

Touching “my eyeball,” God’s reaction, 166-168

Trees, rulers likened to, 302-305

“Trees of righteousness,” symbolic, 303, 304

True worship, brought to perfected state, 199

issue in modern times, 99-103

preserved for all time, 393, 394

“Two anointed ones,” meaning, 203-207

Two copper mountains, picture, 223

Two kingdoms, pictured, 376-378

“Two olive trees,” picture, 204-207

“Two parts” are cut off, 359-365

“Two witnesses,” prophesied in sackcloth, 45-47


Underpriests, requirements cause deflections, 112, 113

Unification in spite of false predictions, 282-301

United Nations, membership, 243

Universal kingdom, God’s, pictured, 376, 377

Universal organization, mankind restored, 148, 149

“Useless shepherd, A,326-328


Vindication, of witnesses, 168

universal sovereignty, 382

Vision, first, Zechariah, 127-141

second, Zechariah, 141-143

third, Zechariah, 153-175

fourth, Zechariah, 176-191

fifth, Zechariah, 192-207

sixth, Zechariah, 208-217

seventh, Zechariah, 217-222

eighth, Zechariah, 222-227


Wages and value placed upon shepherd, 310-325

“Wall of fire all around,” Jehovah, to remnant, 158-161

Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, Charles Taze Russell, president, 332

headquarters members released from prison, 47

“Water for cleansing,108-110

“Waterless pit,” picture, 276, 277

“Well opened,” for ‘sin and an abhorrent thing,’ 345-350

Wickedness, end to permission, 207-222

Widemouthed cooking pot, prophetic picture, 404, 405

“Woman,” announcement to, 275, 276

God’s heavenly, flight, 379, 380

symbolic, fulfillment of Jehovah’s promise, 276, 278

two women, symbolic, 219, 220

World population, part cut off, 359-365

World Powers, third (Babylon), 279

fourth (Medo-Persia), 117, 122, 124, 141, 279

fifth (Greece), 279

sixth (Rome), 144, 279

seventh (Anglo-American), 122, 144, 279, 280

World War II, 1939-1945 C.E., 76, 373

Worship, millennial, no “Canaanite,” 405-408


“Yet once,” meaning, 58, 59, 61, 62, 65, 66


Zechariah, first vision, 127-141

second vision, 141-143

third vision, 153-175

fourth vision, 176-191

fifth vision, 192-207

sixth vision, 208-217

seventh vision, 217-222

eighth vision, 222-227

broke staff Union, consequences, 324, 325

effaced three shepherds, 310-314

illustrated rising up of “useless shepherd,” 327, 328

made crown for Joshua, 229, 230

pictured Greater Shepherd, 314-316

shepherded remnant, 310-314

use of staffs, 310-314

Zerubbabel, governor, 24

Jesus Christ, Greater, 137

keyman, 289

meaning, 11, 121

pictured Jesus Christ, 200, 201

prefigured Messiah, 206

set as seal ring, 120, 196

type, 120-123

“Zion,” escaped homeward, how, 165, 166

Zion, Jerusalem, 135