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The Reason for This Brochure

The Reason for This Brochure

The Reason for This Brochure

This brochure is published to promote understanding and cooperation between Jehovah’s Witnesses and school authorities. It is our desire to cooperate with all who are working for the success of basic educational programs offered in school.

Parents who are Jehovah’s Witnesses want to contribute to a favorable environment for the learning process. They want their young ones to receive the greatest benefit possible from their schooling. And they want teachers and other school authorities to know that they will do all that they reasonably can to help achieve this.

Jehovah’s Witnesses generally have a reputation for excellent moral conduct wherever they live. They are noted for their obedience to governmental authorities. Yet, some teachers may feel that Witness youths are uncooperative because they do not share in every school program or function. However, this refusal to share is not because the youths are rebellious or antisocial. Their actions are based on religious and moral convictions.

In this brochure we would like to acquaint school authorities with the beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses that affect participation in school activities. Additionally, we want to explain why, as a result of such beliefs, Witness youths do not share in certain school functions and programs that are common in many places throughout the world. At the same time we want to make it clear that it is not our intention to impose our views on others.