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Jerusalem and the Temple Jesus Knew

Jerusalem and the Temple Jesus Knew

SOON after Jesus’ birth, Joseph and Mary took him to the city where his heavenly Father had placed His name​—Jerusalem. (Lu 2:22-39) At age 12, Jesus was again there, for the Passover. He amazed the teachers at the temple with his understanding. (Lu 2:41-51) Work on that temple complex, part of Herod the Great’s building program, went on for over “forty-six years.”​—Joh 2:20.

During his ministry, Jesus was present at festivals in Jerusalem, where he often taught crowds. He twice drove out money changers and merchants from the temple courtyard.​—Mt 21:12; Joh 2:13-16.

North of the temple, at the pool of Bethzatha, Jesus healed a man who had suffered for 38 years. God’s Son also gave sight to a blind man, telling him to wash in the pool of Siloam in the southern part of the city.​—Joh 5:1-15; 9:1, 7, 11.

Jesus often visited his friends Lazarus, Mary, and Martha at Bethany, “about two miles” east of Jerusalem. (Joh 11:1, 18, ftn.; 12:1-11; Lu 10:38-42; 19:29; see “Jerusalem Area,” page 18.) A few days before his death, Jesus approached Jerusalem by way of the Mount of Olives. Picture him stopping to look west at the city and weeping over it. (Lu 19:37-44) His view would have been similar to what you see at the top of the next page. He then entered Jerusalem on the colt of an ass, likely using one of the city’s eastern gates. Throngs hailed him as Israel’s future King.​—Mt 21:9-12.

Important events preceding Jesus’ death occurred at places in or near Jerusalem: the garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus prayed; the Sanhedrin hall; the house of Caiaphas; the palace of Governor Pilate and, eventually, Golgotha.​—Mr 14:32, 53–15:1, 16, 22; Joh 18:1, 13, 24, 28.

After his resurrection, Jesus appeared in and around Jerusalem. (Lu 24:1-49) Then he ascended to heaven from the Mount of Olives.​—Ac 1:6-12.

[Diagram on page 31]

(For fully formatted text, see publication)

Jerusalem/Herod’s Temple

Temple Features

1. Most Holy

2. Holy

3. Altar of Burnt Offering

4. Molten Sea

5. Court of Priests

6. Court of Israel

7. Court of Women

8. Court of Gentiles

9. Barrier (Soreg)

10. Royal Colonnade

11. Solomon’s Colonnade



Court of Priests


Most Holy

Altar of Burnt Offering


Court of Israel

Court of Women

Molten Sea


Solomon’s Colonnade

Barrier (Soreg)

Court of Gentiles


Royal Colonnade


Tower of Antonia


Sanhedrin Hall?


Pool of Siloam


House of Caiaphas?

Governor’s Palace



Pool of Bethzatha

Garden of Gethsemane?



Spring of Gihon



[Pictures on page 30]

View to the east across modern Jerusalem: (A) temple area, (B) garden of Gethsemane, (C) Mount of Olives, (D) wilderness of Judah, (E) Dead Sea

[Picture on page 31]

View to the west from the Mount of Olives in Jesus’ day