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The Promised Land

The Promised Land

Map Legend

▴ Levite Cities

▵ Cities of Refuge

• Hebrew Scripture Sites

○ Greek Scripture Sites

▪ Sites in Both Hebrew and Greek Scriptures

Jerusalem Area

▴ Geba

▪ Ramah

▴ Gibeon

• Azmaveth

○ Emmaus

• Chephirah

• Gibeah

• Hazor

▴ Almon

• Gallim

• Kiriath-jearim

▴ Anathoth

• Mozah

• Nob

• Bahurim

• Baal-perazim

○ Bethphage


○ Bethany

• Manahath

▪ Bethlehem

[Springs and wells]




Promised Land (most cities)

A11 • Ashkelon

A11 ▪ Gaza

A12 • Gerar

A13 • Sharuhen (Shaaraim) (Shilhim)

B8 ▴ Gath-rimmon

B8 ▪ Joppa

B9 • Beth-dagon

B9 ▴ Elteke(h)

B9 • Jabneel

B10 • Gederah

B10 ▪ Ashdod

B11 • Eglon

B11 • Chitlish

B12 • Ziklag

B13 ▴ Ashan (Ain)

B13 • Beer-sheba

C5 • Dor

C6 ○ Caesarea

C7 • Hepher

C7 • Socoh

C8 • Baal-shalishah

C8 ▪ Aphek (Antipatris)

C8 • Ebenezer

C8 • Jehud

C8 ▪ Ramah (Arimathea)

C8 • Ono

C9 • Neballat

C9 • Hadid

C9 ▪ Lod (Lydda)

C9 • Gimzo

C9 • Shaalbim

C9 ▴ Gezer

C9 ▴ Gibbethon

C10 ▴ Aijalon

C10 • Timnah

C10 • Eshtaol

C10 • Ekron

C10 • Zorah

C10 ▴ Beth-shemesh

C10 • Lehi

C10 • Makkedah

C10 • Zanoah

C10 • Jarmuth

C10 • Gath

C10 • Azekah

C10 • Timnah

C10 • Soco(h)

C11 ▴ Holon

C11 • Adullam

C11 • Moresheth

C11 ▴ Libnah

C11 • Keilah

C11 • Maresha(h)

C11 • Lachish

C11 • Shaphir

C11 • Etam

C12 • Beth-ezel

C12 ▴ Debir

C12 • Anab

C12 • Goshen

C12 • Ain

C12 ▴ Jattir

C12 • Madmannah (Beth-marcaboth)

C12 • Sansannah (Hazar-susah?)

C13 • Jeshua

C13 • Hazar-shual

C13 • Jagur

D1 ▪ Zarephath

D1 • Helbah

D2 ▪ Tyre

D2 • Hammon

D3 • Misrephoth-maim

D3 • Achzib

D3 ▴ Abdon

D3 • Beth-emek

D4 • Acco

D4 ○ Ptolemais

D4 • Rehob

D4 • Neiel

D4 • Cabul

D4 • Aphek

D4 • Jotbah

D4 • Hali

D5 • Bethlehem

D5 • Harosheth

D5 • Shimron

D5 ▴ Helkath

D5 • Dabbesheth

D5 ▴ Jokneam

D5 • Sarid

D5 • Megiddo

D6 ▴ Kedesh (Kishion)

D6 • Hadadrimmon

D6 ▴ Taanach

D6 • Dothan

D6 • Arubboth


D8 • Pirathon

D8 • Tappuah

D8 • Lebonah

D8 • Zeredah

D8 • Gilgal

D9 • Timnath-serah

D9 • Jeshanah

D9 • Ophni

D9 • Bethel (Luz)

D9 • Ai

D9 ▴ Lower Beth-horon

D9 • Mizpah (Mizpeh)

D9 • Upper Beth-horon

D9 • Migron

D9 ▴ Geba

D9 ▪ Ramah

D9 ▴ Gibeon

D10 ○ Emmaus

D10 • Chephirah

D10 • Gibeah

D10 • Kiriath-jearim

D10 ▴ Anathoth


D10 ○ Bethany

D10 ▪ Bethlehem

D10 • Etam

D10 • Gibeah

D10 • Netophah

D11 • Tekoa

D11 • Giloh

D11 • Beth-zur

D11 • Mamre

D11 ▵ Hebron (Machpelah)

D11 • Kain

D12 • Ziph

D12 • Horesh?

D12 ▴ Juttah

D12 • Carmel

D12 • Maon

D12 ▴ Eshtemoa

D12 • Hazor (Bethuel?) (Chesil?)

D13 • Arad

D13 • Ramah (Baal)

E2 • Migdal-el

E2 • Kanah

E2 • Beth-anath

E3 • Yiron

E3 • Ramah

E4 ○ Cana

E4 • Madon

E4 ▴ Dimnah

E4 • Rumah

E5 • Gath-hepher

E5 • Lassharon

E5 ○ Nazareth

E5 ▴ Daberath

E5 • Chesulloth

E5 • En-dor

E5 ○ Nain

E5 • Shunem

E5 • Ophrah

E6 • Jezreel

E6 • Beth-shittah

E6 ▴ En-gannim

E6 ▴ Ibleam (Gath-rimmon)

E7 • Bezek

E7 • Thebez

E7 • Tirzah

E7 ○ Sychar

E7 ▵ Shechem

E8 • Michmethath

E8 • Taanath-shiloh

E8 • Arumah

E8 • Zarethan

E8 • Shiloh

E9 • Baal-hazor

E9 ▪ Ephraim (Ophrah?)

E9 • Naarah

E9 • Gilgal

E9 • Michmas(h)

E9 ▪ Jericho

E10 • Parah

E10 ▴ Almon

E10 • City of Salt

E10 • Secacah

E10 • Nibshan

E12 • En-gedi

E13 • Sodom?

F1 • Baal-gad

F1 • Ijon

F2 • Abel-beth-maacah

F2 • Dan (Laish)

F2 ○ Caesarea Philippi

F2 • Janoah

F2 ▵ Kedesh

F3 • Edrei

F3 • Meroz

F3 • Hazor

F4 ○ Chorazin

F4 ○ Bethsaida

F4 ○ Capernaum

F4 • Chinnereth

F4 ○ Magadan

F4 • Rakkath

F4 ○ Tiberias

F4 • Aphek

F4 ▴ Hammath (Hammoth-dor)

F5 • Jabneel

F5 • Beth-shemesh

F5 ○ Gadara

F5 ▴ Ramoth (Jarmuth)

F5 • Lo-debar (Debir)

F6 ▪ Beth-shean (Beth-shan) (Scythopolis)

F6 ○ Pella

F6 • Jabesh-gilead?

F6 ○ Salim

F6 ○ Aenon

F7 • Abel-meholah

F7 • Zaphon

F8 • Succoth

F8 ▴ Mahanaim

F8 • Penuel

F8 • Adam

F9 • Beth-nimrah

F9 • Beth-arabah

F10 • Shittim

F10 • Beth-hoglah

F10 • Beth-haran

F10 • Beth-peor

F10 • Beth-jeshimoth

F11 • Zereth-shahar

F11 • Ataroth

F11 • Kiriathaim

F13 • Eglaim

G6 • House of Arbel

G6 • Rogelim

G6 • Ham

G7 ○ Gerasa (Jarash)

G8 • Mizpah (Mizpeh)

G8 • Jogbehah

G9 • Betonim

G10 • Elealeh

G10 ▴ Heshbon

G10 ▵ Bezer

G10 • Nebo

G10 • Bamoth-baal

G10 • Medeba

G10 • Baal-meon

G11 • Almon-diblathaim

G11 ▴ Kedemoth

G11 • Dibon

G12 • Aroer

G13 • Dimon

G13 • Kir of Moab (Kir-hareseth)

H4 ▴ Ashtaroth (Beeshterah)

H4 ▵ Golan

H5 • Edrei

H6 ▵ Ramoth-gilead

H9 ▪ Rabbah (Philadelphia)

H9 • Abel-keramim

H9 ▴ Mephaath

Mountain Peaks

C5 Mt. Carmel

D7 Mt. Ebal

D7 Mt. Gerizim

D10 Mt. Seir

E5 Mt. Tabor

E5 Moreh

E6 Mt. Gilboa

G1 Mt. Hermon

G10 Mt. Nebo (Pisgah)

T.V. Torrent Valley

A12 T.V. of Gerar

A13 T.V. of Besor

B10 T.V. of Sorek

D4 T.V. of Kishon

E7 T.V. of Farʽah

G5 T.V. of Yarmuk

G8 T.V. of Jabbok

G12 T.V. of Arnon

[Bodies of water]

B8 Mediterranean Sea (Great Sea)

E11 Salt Sea (Dead Sea)

F3 Lake Hula

F4 Sea of Galilee


B8 Yarkon River

F8 Jordan River

[Springs and wells]

D10 En-rogel

E3 Waters of Merom

E6 Well of Harod