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A Victory Song

A Victory Song

Song 171

A Victory Song

(Exodus 15:1)

1. ‘Sing to Jehovah, for he has become highly exalted.

The horse and its rider he has pitched into the sea.

My strength and my might is Jah, since he serves for my salvation.

This is my God; I shall raise him on high.

Pharaoh’s chariots and his military forces He has cast into the sea.

Your right hand, O Jehovah, is proving pow’rful in ability.’

2. Thus sang all Israel. Jehovah their God gave them a vict’ry.

And vict’ries we witness in this time in which we live.

Christ Jesus now rules as King, and Satan’s old system totters.

How we rejoice, for deliv’rance is near!

The great dragon, Satan, and his wicked angels—down to earth they have been cast.

The Lamb of God to vict’ry is riding. Earth’s long darkness now is past.

3. Praise Jah, you people. To God does belong power and glory.

His Kingdom stands ready, soon to strike the final blow.

We lift up our voice in praise. To God and his Lamb we’re grateful.

Happy are we to be living today.

To our God, Jehovah, and to his Messiah, thanks we render all day long.

To them alone we look for salvation. Grand will be our vict’ry song!