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Be Joyful for the Kingdom Hope!

Be Joyful for the Kingdom Hope!

Song 16

Be Joyful for the Kingdom Hope!

(Romans 15:10-13)

1. Be joyful! Be joyful!

Take up the glorious Kingdom hope!

Be joyful! Be joyful!

God’s Kingdom is at hand!

Uphold his reign with all your might.

Be people full of zeal.

Hold fast the Kingdom hope so bright.

Let men know how you feel.

Be joyful! Be joyful!

Make known your glorious Kingdom hope!

Be joyful! Be joyful!

God’s Kingdom is at hand!

2. Be happy! Be happy!

Hold fast the hope that God provides!

Be happy! Be happy!

Find rest in God who cares!

Be strong in your well-founded hope.

Be ne’er of it ashamed.

In darkness you no longer grope;

From death you were reclaimed.

Be happy! Be happy!

On God Jehovah base your hope!

Be happy! Be happy!

Keep free from Satan’s snares!

3. Sing praises! Sing praises!

The Kingdom hope now spurs us on!

Sing praises! Sing praises!

And serve God zealously!

Lift up your eyes, and view the fields!

The harvesttime is here,

And great indeed the fruit it yields

As sheeplike ones draw near.

Sing praises! Sing praises!

To our great God, who gives us strength!

Sing praises! Sing praises!

Hold fast integrity!