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Be Long-Suffering

Be Long-Suffering

Song 145

Be Long-Suffering

(1 Thessalonians 5:14)

1. O what example Jehovah our King

Has by his long-suff’ring shown!

Though he’s endured much reproach, murmuring,

He has never weary grown.

He was so patient with Israel of old,

E’en as with all humankind.

So, too, the sheep who now rest in his fold,

God to be long-suff’ring find.

2. If God Jehovah of eternal fame

T’ward us can long-suff’ring be,

Surely we pardoned ones should do the same

And show this fine quality.

His spirit’s fruitage we need in the field,

Lest we should unkindly speak.

May we to thoughtless impulses not yield

But give proof that we are meek.

3. Long-suff’ring helps us to keep unity

And edify ev’ryone

In congregation and in family

That we may hear God’s “Well done!”

Both godlike love and the wisdom that’s pure

Help us long-suff’ring display.

These virtues we need if we would endure

Till we reach the perfect day.