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“Bless Jehovah, O My Soul”

“Bless Jehovah, O My Soul”

Song 1

“Bless Jehovah, O My Soul”

(Psalm 103)

1. All my soul will bless Jehovah

—My lips sing praise to his holy name—

Him who is forgiving error,

Taking away all sorrow and shame.

Slow to anger, merciful, gracious,

All his dealings prove him to be.

All the ones who fear Jehovah,

His loving-kindness they will see.

2. As a father, God shows mercy,

For he well knows of dust we are made.

Like the blossom of the field is,

That is the way we quickly will fade.

But Jehovah’s great loving-kindness

Is t’ward all who heed his command.

If his orders we remember,

God’s righteousness will make us stand.

3. For Jehovah has established,

In heav’n above, his glorious throne.

Over all he has dominion;

T’ward all his works his pow’r he has shown.

Bless Jehovah, O you his angels;

With all your heart his name extol.

Bless Jehovah, all his armies.

Bless God Jehovah, O my soul.