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“Carry On as Men”

“Carry On as Men”

Song 134

“Carry On as Men”

(1 Corinthians 16:13)

1. “Look! The man!” said Pilate of Christ Jesus.

Very truly Christ is one to imitate!

With unflinching manliness he conquered

Satan’s wicked world of bitterness and hate.

2. Jesus set for us a fine example.

Surely, we have need to be as he was then.

As we face God’s war of Armageddon,

May we be courageous, carry on as men.

3. Manly courage is a sure requirement

Of Jehovah’s loyal people, young and old.

As the foretold end draws ever closer,

In the Kingdom service we must e’er be bold.

4. Men and women, all Jehovah’s servants,

Ever look to Jesus Christ, the reigning King.

Unafraid, be always strong and mighty.

Soon the song of vict’ry manly ones will sing.