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Cleaving to Jehovah Our God

Cleaving to Jehovah Our God

Song 131

Cleaving to Jehovah Our God

(Joshua 23:8)

1. Now we of God’s household Jehovah God are serving;

Exclusive devotion t’ward him we are preserving.

The gods of the nations, of these we’ve had our fill.

We cleave to Jehovah; we want to do his will.

His truth in our hearts may he lovingly instill.

2. The things he has promised, the words that he has spoken,

They’re all coming true—soon oppression will be broken!

His incoming Kingdom will cause all wars to cease.

To him we are cleaving; his fame may we increase.

For he is our God; he alone can give men peace.

3. The book of God’s truth let us day and night keep reading.

We cleave to Jehovah and so his Word keep heeding.

To love him and serve him we really need to learn.

His will and his purpose with faith we must discern

And make his true worship our daily chief concern.