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Cultivating the Fruit of Love

Cultivating the Fruit of Love

Song 86

Cultivating the Fruit of Love

(1 Corinthians 13:8)

1. Jehovah lovingly does bestow

On all his ministers here below

The gifts they need that they may do

His sacred will and thus keep true.

His spirit they appreciate;

Its many fruits they cultivate;

But one they give their greatest care

—The fruit of love, beyond compare.

2. All qualities for the ministry

We strive to exercise patiently;

Yet special effort we direct

The most important to perfect.

It’s not enough to use the mind

In feeding sheeplike ones we find;

But we must give with all our heart

To share in blessings we’d impart.

3. And as we labor for rich increase,

Let’s earnestly guard the bond of peace.

Be patient though we suffer wrong;

Bear weak ones’ loads if we are strong.

And feel in even little things

The joy unselfish int’rest brings,

Thus perfecting the fruit of love

And being like our God above.